Spa Night

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We get to the last part of the summer break which was getting ready for a new season of hockey. As soon as the guys start getting back into town they find any reason to hang out with each other. We had to get the rookies settled in and make sure they're not going to be lost in this city, trust me, it's pretty easy to do so. As for me I was just making sure all my ducks were in a row and I was mentally prepared for what's to come. A lot of people relied on me but no one was more important than my little girl.

I had a check up appointment this morning and I was admittedly pretty nervous. I don't get how moms can be so strong when they find out something is wrong with their pregnancy. The guilt itself is enough to scare the crap out of you, let alone if something actually happens. I've been lucky enough to stay away from the preeclampsia so far, but I'm not letting out a sigh of relief until Mia is out here and we're both safe.

So I let them run all the tests and while my blood pressure was still high there was no proteins in my urine so I was cleared of preeclampsia. Now that we're going down the home stretch we're just trying to make sure she stays in there long enough that she isn't born too prematurely and can be delivered fully developed.

"Good news" my doctor announces. "It looks like you're still doing well. Your blood pressure went down so whatever you're doing keep it up" he insists.

"Thank you" I sigh.

"Of course. Would you like a sonogram today" he wonders.

But I just shake my head as I laugh a little. "My boyfriend told me that if I got to see her and he wasn't here with me I was in big trouble" I chuckle.

"Of course. Take care and I think we have one more appointment before baby is supposed to get here" he reminds me.

"I don't know if I'm excited or terrified" I laugh as he smiles.

"That's perfectly normal. If there's anything we can do for you guys let us know" he insists.

"Will do" I smile.

So I waddle on home where it was eerily silent. Corey was out doing some team stuff and I had my own things to take care of in the mean time. They had picture day and all the media fun which I am happily excused from because I'm pregnant and can get out of anything I want to. Sadly I can't play that card for too much longer, but I'll enjoy it while I can.

Eventually Corey comes home but doesn't come home empty handed. I smell some Mexican food and see a bunch of beauty products in a target bag hanging from his arms.

"Watcha got there" I tease as he sets it all down in one swift motion.

"I asked some of the girls who were hanging around the arena today what I can get you to make you feel a little more comfortable while we wait for the baby to get here. Most of them said food which I already planned on bringing home. But they also said to get some face masks and bubble bath stuff and some cucumbers for your eyes" he explains as he goes through the target bag listing off what he saw.

"Babe you didn't have to do this" I insist.

"Well I felt bad for not being with you at the doctors appointment. I know how you feel about them and I really really wanted to be there for you. And since I couldn't I figured I could make it up to you a little" he claims as I smile.

"That's so sweet, thank you" I say softly as I pull him into a kiss.

"So, how was the appointment" he wonders as he turns to me.

"It was actually pretty good. My blood pressure is still high but in the low spectrum of it. He said everything else came back negative so just to keep doing what we're doing and making sure I stay healthy" I explain.

"That's good" he smiles. "Did you look at her?"

"No" I admit. "If I remember correctly you told me that if I got to see her and you didn't you would never talk to me again" I giggle.

"Like I could ever actually pull that off" he scoffs. "I couldn't go a moment without thinking about you let alone not talking to you ever again. It would take a lot worse than you looking at our baby without me to never talk to you again" he laughs. 

"Well in that case I would have looked" I smirk.

"And I would be 2% upset with you" he accuses.

"I can live with that" I tease.

After we end one of our many many childish arguments I dig into my big burrito. I swear there was no craving I had bigger than Mexican food for me, I couldn't get enough of it. Once I devour that in record time Corey decides it was time to start our spa night. So I put on a face mask and draw a bath to relax in. I noticed I had a little bit of extra stuff and I turn to him with a grin on my face.

"You should put one on with me" I insist.

"Oh hell no" he scoffs.

"Come on!? What's the worst that can happen? You'll have clear skin and look healthy" I ask.

"They guys will make fun of me" he pouts.

"Well I'm not planning on telling them, are you" I question.

"Well... no" he admits.

"Exactly. No harm no foul" I joke.

"Alright, fine. But I'm only doing this because you didn't look at the baby without me" he claims.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself" I mutter.

So he lets me put a mask on him and of course I picked the sparkly pink one. Once I get it on his face and out of his beard he actually enjoyed it. It was one that made his skin tingle and I smile at my finished product.

"You look adorable" I promise him.

"No pictures" he demands.

"One picture" I plead.

"Please no" he begs.

"For me" I insist as I give him my best puppy dog eyes. I see him break almost immediately as he lets out a sigh.

"Alright fine! But after tonight I better not hear about this ever again" he threatens.

"Yes sir" I smile.

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