Waynes World

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Every year the Blackhawks throw a big Halloween party, and since we didn't have one last year with the lockout I'm sure that this year's will be that much more fun. And I usually ride solo to these types of things, for relationships weren't for me so I hated bringing girls to hockey things and then they expected her to stick around. But this year's different because I'm with Samantha so now I can get a couples costume and I have someone to drink with. The guys already know who she is and I know they love her. Some of them might be a little jealous of me but that's the way I like it.

"What should we go as" I ask Sam as she pushes a cart around Party City. We've been going to costume stores for hours but we haven't found anything we loved for the party tonight. I mean we had just gotten together and we still don't know each other that well, I don't know what she likes or doesn't like. There's no doubt there's a connection between us. We just needed some time to figure each other out.

"I'm not sure. What kind of movies do you like" I wonder.

"All of them. My favorite are sports movies, my dad raised me on all the good ones. But I like a lot of the action ones, the classics" she explains.

"Do you know who you kinda remind me of" I ask.

"Who" she wonders.

"Snow White" I say and she stops looking around. She turns to me and smiles really big.

"Really" she asks.

"Yeah" I admit.

"It's just funny you say that because my dad used to call me Snow White because when I was a kid my skin was so pale and I spent so much time on the ice" she explains and I smile.

"I like that" I admit.

"But I promise you I am not dressing up as Snow White. I'm no princess" she insists.

"You're more like a warrior" I say.

"Right" she smirks.

We keep looking around before we both see a Wayne's world costume and she perks up.

"Oh we have to go as this" she insists as she grabs it off the shelf.

"Only if I get to be Garth" I say.

"You see yourself as a Garth" she questions.

"He was my favorite as a kid. I had all the Wayne's World DVD's and even a Esposito jersey like Garth's. I might be from Canada but I know a good movie when I see it. And this one had hockey in it" I explain.

"When I was little my dad took me to the real Mikita's restaurant like in the movie. It's one of my favorite memories" she admits. I loved learning about her life, she was such a interesting character.

"I've always wanted to go there" I claim.

"We should go there some time" she says.

"I would love that" I smile.

We purchase our costumes and head back to her place to get ready. My place was pretty lonely and I enjoy her brother a lot so she invited me over to changes which I happily accept.

"You gotta let me come with you guys" her brother begs.

"Sorry kiddo but the party is in a bar... and you're not old enough to go in there" she reminds him.

"Well what am I supposed to do all night" he asks.

"Do your homework. Kiss someone, do something... anything" Samantha says.

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