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Now that everything has changed once again we were left figuring out things the hard way. It's not like we were too young to become parents, she was turning 27 this year and I'm 30 so it's not like we're not capable of figuring this out. Both of us wanted to settle down and start a family eventually, it's just that our eventually is now.

So I come back to Stan and Q with Sam with me this time. We all meet up in Stans office as we sit down to figure things out.

"So I'm guessing since you didn't come in with your goalie equipment it's a no go" Stan starts.

"It's not that I don't want to play for you guys, it's my dream to play here. It wasn't too long ago that I was a little girl at home in my net we had at the house acting like I was Eddie Belfour or Tony Esposito when my dad played old tapes. I sat there with the Indian head over my heart and I imagined playing in a packed United Center with people chanting let's go hawks as the time ran out and we finally won.

But right now I don't think I am ready for the NHL. If I had to pick a team to play for it's this one, to be a part of this organization would be a dream come true. To make history here on a original six team where I grew up would be perfect. But that's not what is best right now. If you guys would have me a year or two down the road I would be honored to be a part of this team. But for now playing isn't in the cards for me" Sam explains.

"How do we know a year or two from now you will still be at this level" they ask her. She just smirks as she gives them that "come on" look.

"I just won a gold medal after training for three short months. Imagine what I'll be like in two years when I understand the system you guys work in and how to work it? What shape I will be in after training for so long just to play here" she says.

With her being who she is she is very smart about how to handle these kind of situations. Sometimes she feels like she has no control, then there's times like this that if I killed someone I want her to be my lawyer.

"Okay, I think we can work that out. In the mean time we still want you to be a part of this team we have here. How would you feel being a assistant goalie coach" Stan offers. I smile big because I didn't tell him about this idea but it's too good of one to pass up on. Stan is a smart man, he's made the moves he needed in order to put together the best team he can every year and Sam can really add to that.

"I would love to come on as a assistant coach. Stephan is an amazing advisor and I can't wait to learn from him. But I do have to tell you... I'm pregnant" she says.

The whole room falls silent as everyone stares at her, even me. I was not expecting her to tell them and certainly not like that. We haven't even told our families yet so this was a bomb for sure.

"You mean... you and Corey..." Q trails off as he looks between us.

Sam just laughs as she nods her head.

"Yes it's Corey's child" she assures them. I beam next her like the proud dad I am.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order" Stan says.

"Yeah. Congrats you guys" Q smiles.

"Thank you" she says.

"So is that why you won't play" Stan wonders.

"A little bit, but my mind was made up before I found that out. I stand by my decision to try and do what right not the first thing that lands in my lap" she explains.

"Are you still going to train" Stan asks her.

"As much as I can, yeah. People work out when pregnant all the time. Maybe not on the ice but I can still do reaction drills and condition to the side. Do some reading and analysis to keep the brain sharp" she explains.

So we figure out a contract and her duty to being the assistant goalie coach. She would help with development in the minor leagues then of course help me and Raanta out. She will be the first woman to have a coaching job in the NHL to add to her impressive list of accomplishments. We were all pretty excited about what comes next and what it means for the world of sports.

I decide to take Sam out to celebrate the accomplishment. She couldn't drink but that was okay, I think she was more okay with not being able to drink than anyone else would be.

She sits across from me looking at the menu and I just smile at her. I can tell she felt my stare so she looks up and smiles at me. "What" she asks.

"I'm just really proud of you, that's all" I explains.

She start to blush as she tucks her hair behind her ear. She got all dressed up for a meeting today and she looked great, not that there's a time she doesn't. And I was so lucky to be with her, I said that every day when I wake up and roll over in bed with her beside me.

"Well thank you. It's been a crazy few weeks here and now we have another thing to worry about. It seems like it will never end" she scoffs.

"I can't believe you told Stan and Q. I thought we weren't telling anyone until your doctors appointment" I admit.

"I wasn't planning on it but I also felt like if I didn't tell them they wouldn't understand my thought process. I didn't want to sign up to be a coach then something happen with the pregnancy and I couldn't hold up on my end. This way they know what they're getting themselves into" she explains.

"Fair enough. And I know they won't tell anyone the pregnancy part. But expect a announcement about your new job first thing tomorrow. Stan is going to go crazy with this. He was willing to do a lot to make sure you were a part of this organization" I tell her.

"I know he was. I'm just happy this one negotiation was easy and I hope that when I'm ready to play it will be just as easy. I can't imagine playing anywhere else" she insists.

"I wouldn't mind sharing the net with you, you know that right" I ask.

"I know" she smiles. "But you have a good thing right now. You just won the Stanley cup and there's no reason you can't do it again. If it's not broke don't fix it" she says.

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