Blackhawks Baby Shower

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We end up losing in game seven which was heart breaking. I really thought we could go all the way again, this team we had might not have been the flashiest or prettiest but we got shit done, and I thought we deserved to win.

But life works in the cruelest ways sometimes. What you want isn't what you need, it isn't what is right so you have to put your faith in something you don't see. Trust in something you don't understand and keep going. That's what sam taught me and even though it still hurts I know I am strong enough to move on.

Before everyone leaves and goes on their way for the summer we get to do a baby shower for Sam. The girls were adamant on having it before we all went our separate ways and the guys weren't ready to say goodbye just yet. So we all meet up at Seabs apartment where him and Dayna set up a nice party. Of course Sharpy and Abby helped them as they put up signs and made treats and the guys brought the beer. I feel bad that Sam can't drink right now but I don't think she feels bad. She loves being pregnant because I will get her anything she wants and she doesn't have to ask twice. Plus she is in the second trimester so the morning sickness is starting to go away and she has more energy. She's living her best life right now. I know she's going to miss hockey like I am but hopefully by the time we have hockey again Mia will be here already.

"There's the father to be" Sharpy cheers as he walks over to me. He throws a drunken arm around my shoulders as I roll my eyes.

"How are you already this far gone" I laugh as I shrug him off.

"I'm a dad. And you will soon understand the beauty of being able to get drunk this early" he teases.

"I don't think that being a dad means getting drunk by 10 am" I argue.

"You can go through so many of these brunches sober before you just get drunk and let the kid cry it out at the lunch table" he claims.

"Well I can't wait. For all of it, the good and the bad" I insist.

"Good. Keep telling yourself that" he teases.

We get the party under way and I try not to be a hover dad. I know Sam was safe with these people and she wasn't going to see them again until it was about time for Mia to be here. So I hang out with the guys trying to get our minds off the heart wrenching loss we just experienced. They were already talking about the playoffs next year so it's not like we lost all hope. We knew we were good and we were one goal away from becoming a dynasty. Now we have fuel for next season.

"Alright, can I have the mom and dad to be up here" Dayna announces as she taps on her wine glass. I meet Sam at the front and kiss the top of her head before pulling her into my side. I missed her.

"What's up" Sam asks.

"We wanted to give you guys the gift form all of us" she claims.

"You guy got us a team gift" Sam gasps.

"We did. You're the only couple where you both work with the organization so we figured we should get something blackhawks related for you" she claims.

"Sweet" I smile.

They pull out a big bag and boxes and tell us to go through it. Turns out they got all custom made Blackhawks things, I'm talking a Blackhawks stroller, a baby carrier, a play pen, all the clothes and toys and anything else we will need to carry the baby around with us when next season comes around and we start working. Everyone was pretty invested in this baby which makes me feel better because I know raising her on the road isn't going to be easy.

"This is all entirely too much" Sam insists as she looks through all the stuff they got us. I mean it was a lot more than we were expecting especially since it was all thrown together so quickly and in the middle of the playoffs. That and we didn't ask for much either.

"We wanted to do something special. It's not often coach and athlete get together in the same organization, what's happening here is special so we wanted to make it that way for you guys" Dayna insist.

"Well all of this is amazing. Even if she decided she doesn't want to play hockey she will still be a big part of it. I can't wait to tell her how loved she is by everyone" sam smiles.

"Me neither" I agree.

We all continue to hang out none of us really wanting to leave. Once we left here we won't see each other again until next season. Some of the guys won't be back, some of the guys will be new. And it sucks we couldn't win it all with this team because I truly believe we could have done it. But now all we can do is get ready for next season.

"Call me if you need anything" Sharpy says a lot more sober now than he was before.

"Of course. But the baby shouldn't be here until October and you guys should be back" I insist.

"I know. But there's a lot that goes on in a pregnancy that doesn't make sense. If anything happens let me know okay" he begs.

"I promise" I assure him.

Eventually everyone leaves and we get to start putting things in the babies room. While her room isn't going to be Blackhawks themed that's what it is right now. And all the stuff we got was perfect for when we have to travel or bring her to the ice arena or something.

"Say the baby comes at the beginning of next season, are you still going to work or are you going to take off" I wonder.

She just shrugs her shoulders as she continues to organize the gifts. "I don't know. I want time to be with her, to be a mother and appreciate her while she is that young. But I also want us to be a family and be able to bring her wherever you are so we can be together. She can see the game up close and see why it is such a honor to be a part of all of this" she explains.

"No one would be mad if you took a few weeks off to stay home and figure some things out" I assure her.

"I would be. She's going to have a wonderful life, from start to finish. I'll make sure of it" she smiles.

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