Clean Bill Of Health

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After much anticipation we finally go to the doctors office to find out more about Sam's pregnancy. In the week since we found out it's become a little more obvious that she was growing a baby. I mean the girl has abs so it's not like she was really showing but if you look really really hard her belly sticks out at the bottom more than it usually did. With everything going on it was hard to tell what her symptoms were mixed with being nervous and changing the world as we know it. It's not hard to see why we didn't put things together before but now it couldn't be more obvious to us.

Once we get there I let Sam do the up close and personal parts by herself. I don't need to be looking at her cervix and stuff like that, I like not knowing what goes on down there. Gives me a sense of peace. Once all the exams are done she answers a bunch of personal questions I again didn't need to be there for I was welcomed back. So I stick through it to make sure that Sam was healthy and wasn't experiencing anything besides some small side effects. I was so worried that something would happen to her or the baby but the doctor assured us that we will get everything figured out.

They take some more tests to go further into detail about any types of issues that may come during the pregnancy and what preventative measures need to be taken.

Finally we get a ultrasound to see how far along she was. She hadn't had her period in two months and didn't really notice with everything going on. I probably wouldn't have noticed that she hadn't been complaining about cramps and stuff like that anyway but that at least gives us a idea as to how far along she is. So she lays down on the table and pulls up her shirt. The nurse puts the gel on there before moving around the camera. Eventually she finds the little bean sitting there with a strong heart beat. I immediately start to cry as the smile comes up on my face. I quickly catch a tear but another one replaces it.

"Well judging by the sound of the heart beat I would say that you're pretty far along. The heartbeat is usually detectable after six weeks but isn't this strong until at least eight weeks" the nurse explains.

"She's over two months along" I gasp.

"Looking at her symptoms and her last menstrul cycle I would say she is about 10 weeks along already" the nurse says.

"Woah, I can't believe I missed that" Sam admits making me sniffle. Leave it to her to have a sense of humor. "Is the baby okay though" she wonders a little worried. I know she has drank a little since the baby was conceived and there was other stuff she did while pregnant, including winning a gold medal.

"It looks very healthy. I know being a athlete that you eat a lot of protein rich food which the babies love. The younger it is the less effected by the outside it becomes. Once it started to develop more is when you really need to watch what you're consuming and doing but it's the size of a macaroni noodle right now so it's still safe. It's the right size and it's heart beat sounds great. Your blood work we had done came back good and once we get the results from the exams and new bloodwork we will know more. But for right now you shouldn't have to change much. Of course no drinking, no raw fish or deli and all that stuff. I know you're on medication for your concussion to help with the headaches and as long as it's not ibuprofen you should be fine. Any other questions contact your physician and she can help you" the nurse explains.

"Great. Thank you so much" Sam smiles.

So we pack up and head back to my apartment. It was hard being at Sams house and not talk about the baby. We were both so excited and we had a lot to figure out. Of course now that we know more it would be okay to tell her mom and brother but we wanted something cute to tell them. So we decide to hang out at my place and try to figure out what to do next.

"Where are we going to raise a kid" I ask her. She shrugs as she pops a grape in her mouth.

"I don't know. I don't see why we couldn't do it here. There's more than enough room" she admits.

"You sure you wouldn't want to move into your house" I ask her.

"You want to move in with my mom" she laughs.

"I mean I wouldn't hate it" I claim.

"You say that now but when she gets in one of her moods it sucks being there. Plus that's not our home, that's my mom and dads home. We need a place of our own to make our own future" she explains.

"You think we can do that here" I question.

"I think so, yeah. Add a few decorations, make the kids room and baby proof the place and we should be good to go" she claims.

"How are you so calm with all of this" I scoff. She's cool on the ice and off of it too. I envied her for that.

"Life doesn't present a problem with no solution. Sometimes it's not a obvious one but there's always a way" she shrugs.

"See. This is why you're going to make an amazing mom" I promise her.

"A good mom doesn't go two and a half months without even knowing she's pregnant" she argues.

"You're not going to be perfect. Look at it like goal tending. The point isn't to stop every single puck, it's to stop enough pucks so that we win. This baby doesn't need you to make no mistakes, it needs you to try your best and the rest won't matter" I explain.

"I just want the world for this baby. For it to know that there's so much in this world that we will never know, so much we can never do. But we won't be judged on what we didn't do but what we did. And we can do whatever it is we set our minds to. Like my daddy taught me" she says with a sad smile.

"This baby is already lucky because it has the strongest and wisest mom in the world. And I can't wait to hold it and see so much of you in it. To know that whatever it decides it's place in the world will be it will be the greatest at it" I explain.

"What if it doesn't want to play hockey" she smirks.

"It's got some good hockey blood" I tease.

"I guess like everything else were going to have to wait and see" she admits.

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