Baby, Baby

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I get to the seven month mark of my pregnancy as we end July on a high note. The doctors say that my blood pressure has gone down a little now that I'm looking out for it, but I still need to be as careful as I can. Pregnancy is tricky and no two cases are the same. As long as the baby is okay and I'm okay to be carrying her we're going to get through this together.

And for now I'm just taking it easy. That's easier said than done because I am someone who constantly wants to be doing something, talking to someone. My whole life I've been a part of a team but now I have a team of my own. And I couldn't wait for the newest player to arrive.

"Should I work more on muscle endurance or strengthening today" Corey wonders as he gets ready for a workout. He was getting back into training and he had me over look him since I trained more than anyone we knew.

"Endurance first, strength second. Make sure your muscles are capable then you can build them up. But if you tear or rip or pull something you're going to be out for a while" I remind him. 

"I'm a athlete, I think I'll be fine" he defends.

"You're human and humans get hurt. Especially when their muscles don't have enough endurance because they've had a month off and they push themselves too far trying to jump right back into things" I rebuttal.

"Fine" he huffs. "Endurance first then strengthening later" he pouts.

So he goes down to the gym and he does a small work out. He was getting back into the swing of things and you don't just jump into it like you do a pool. Having a injury in the preseason that lasts into the season is the most frustrating thing ever. The goalie position is tricky because you're on the ice the whole time so a lingering problem never has time to rest. The Blackhawks still have a good team and they'll need Corey to be on top of things in order to make it back to the Stanley cup.

While he was down there I play some music and go into Mia's room. We had gotten some of the pictures from the shoot back and they turned out better than I hoped they would. We got a few printed out and I wanted some for the room but it's hard to pick just a few. They were all so good and I wanted them all put up in here, but Corey and I will figure it out.

I guess I get lost in my own little world and Corey comes back before I got done reorganizing her room for the five millionth time. But we keep getting new things and there wasn't much else I could do until she gets here. With my brother about to leave me soon and the baby coming and hockey around the corner my mind has been wondering. We weren't in Hawaii anymore where all the problems seem so far away. I was right in the thick of things and how I handled them was by keeping myself busy.

"You are jamming out in here" Corey mentions as he joins me. I close up the drawer full of little socks hats and mittens for our little girl.

"I like this song" I shrug.

"I've never heard this song before" he claims.

"It's a oldie but a goodie. One of my dads favorites, he sang this to me when I was a little girl. I don't remember a lot from my childhood but sometimes you can listen to songs and it all comes back" I admit.

"Baby, baby
I'm taken with the notion
To love you with the sweetest of devotion

Baby, baby
My tender love will flow from
The bluest sky to the deepest ocean

Stop for a minute
Baby, I'm so glad you're mine, yeah
You're mine

Baby, baby
The stars are shining for you
And just like me I'm sure that they adore you

Baby, baby
Go walking through the forest
The birds above a' singing you a chorus

Stop for a minute
Baby, they're so glad you're mine, oh yeah."

Corey starts to dance over to me before grabbing my hand. He pulls me away from the dresser I was messing with and into him as he starts to sway.

"This cannot be happening" I laugh as he tries to dance.

"This song is really fun" he admits. "I like it."

"It's a great song" I admit. "You can use it for a romantic partner or for a kid. It's not sexual so my dad liked to sing it to me but he could also reach out with his other hand and pull mom in too.

As I got older the dancing slowly stopped and I never understood why. I guess it's something you grow out of. But those moments when we would just let this song take over and we could sing and dance, well they're some of the best times of my life" I admit.

"And ever since the day you put my heart in motion
Baby I realize that there's just no getting over you

Baby, baby
In any kind of weather
I'm here for you always and forever

Baby, baby
No muscle man could sever
My love for you is true and it will never

Stop for a minute
Baby, they're so glad you're mine

And ever since the day you put my heart in motion
Baby I realize that there's just no getting over you
And ever since the day you put my heart in motion
Baby I realize that there's just no getting over you
Over you

Baby, baby
Always and forever
Baby I'm so glad that
Here for you baby
So glad you're mine
Baby I'm so glad that
When I think about you it makes me smile

Baby, baby be mine
Baby I'm so glad that
Don't stop giving love
Don't stop, no
Baby I'm so glad that you're mine
Baby I'm so glad
Baby I'm so glad that
When I think about you it makes me smile."

"Why have you been hiding this song? It's honestly great" he claims.

"I forgot about it until my mom showed me a picture the other day of dad and I dancing. This is the only song that made him smile no matter what. He said he thought of me every time he heard it. And even when he was sick and didn't feel like dancing I could put this on and he would smile. It meant everything to me as a kid that we could have this song, and now that he's gone it means that much more to me" I insist.

"I feel like this song is a first dance at a wedding type of song" he says.

"Really" I smile.

"Yeah. Like you said it's not just romantic love but family love or whatever kind of love. I think it would be perfect for us" he claims.

"We can dance to this only if we take dancing lessons" I bargain.

"Then we better start now if you want me to be good by the wedding" he joke.

What did I just get myself into?

Thin Ice (Corey Crawford)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora