Christmas Miracle

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After what has been one of the craziest months of my life, it was finally Christmas. Of course it's not the same without my dad here decorating the outside of the house like Martha May in the grinch, but I still love the holiday. My mom actually had to spend time with us and this was the last time I can see my brother until he comes back at the beginning of January.

"Merry Christmas" I yell as I go into my brothers room. I jump on his bed as he lets out a loud groan.

"I hate you" he mumbles as he hits me square in the face with a pillow.

"You love me so much" I tease as I send the pillow back and I see him crack a smile.

"I don't" he argues.

"Your smile is telling me something different" I accuse.

"What are you so annoying" he questions.

"Because it's Christmas and Santa left us presents and we have to go open them" I insist.

"Santa isn't real" he reminds me.

"You're not real" I pout.

He finally sits up in his bed and rubs his head. His blonde curls spilling out of his hands. He looks at me before smiling really big.

"Merry Christmas, butt face" he smirks.

"You too, dick head" I laugh.

I let him get ready and we race down stairs. I make up hot chocolate and he pulls out all the presents. We sit under the tree just talking for a little while. Corey was on his way over and insisted on being here when we open presents.

Eventually my mom comes down the stairs and it falls silent. She had a bag in her hand and her Christmas pjs that matched ours. We used to be one of those over the top Christmas families and I wasn't afraid to admit it. This holiday always brought out the crazy in us, but in the best way possible. We had matching pjs and traditions like waking up at 6 am to open presents. We had it so good, and it could still be like that if we would ever let it.

"Hey mom" Shawn starts. He was a lot more open to her being around than I was, but I just wanted him to be happy. I know her being around makes him happy and I can't stop him from feeling that way.

"Hey buddy" she replies as she walks over to us. She sits on the arm of the couch and places the bag in front of him. "I got you a special Christmas gift" she says.

"Can I open it" he asks and she nods. He excitedly opens up the gift and pulls out a piece of paper. Shawn covers his mouth as he lets out a loud gasp.

"What is it" I ask him.

"You're coming to Sweden with me" he whispers as he turns to my mom. This time I gasp as I try to keep the eyes in my head.

"I am" she says. I couldn't help but smile as she looks down at him like she used to. Like she knew how much of a gift he was to have around and how lucky we are to have a home.

"How" he questions.

"A wise young woman told me that I can't get the time I'm using to feel sorry for myself back. And I've already missed so much with you because I would have rather spent my time feeling sorry for myself. But that's stupid because I lost my husband but you guys lost your father too, and I wasn't there to help you. I was slowly losing myself too and that's not fair to you guys.

I loved my husband so much, but our love for you guys was stronger than anything. I forgot that. But I don't want to lose another second with you guys before it's too late. I might miss your father but he lives through you every day and I would have known that if I was there for you. So starting now I'm there. We leave for Sweden tonight" she explains.

My brother jumps out of his seat and wraps his arms around our mother. I feel the tears build up in my eyes as they embrace each other for the first time in forever. 

I get broken out of this happy family moment by hearing a knock on the door. I reluctantly get up to answer it because I know it was Corey. So I let him in and he puts his coat up. He comes inside but stops in the hallway.

"Is that your mom" he asks.

"Yeah, that's her" I assure him.

"You know, I've been over here dozens of times and I never met your mom" he admits.

"Yeah, she was a ghost for a while. But I think she's finally realized what she's doing is wrong and how much of her life is being thrown away. She just announced that she is going to go to Sweden with Shawn to watch him play for team USA" I tell him and he gasps loudly.

"No way" he declares making me giggle.

"Yes way. So I guess there are such things as Christmas miracles" I tease.

"And this means we will have the house to ourselves for two weeks" he says lowly as he grabs my hips. I just roll my eyes as I fall into his arms.

"I see what you're doing there. And can we get through Christmas before we start taking about... all of that" I beg.

"Fine. But only because I can't wait to give you guys your gift" he claims.

"Deal" I agree.

So I bring him in and he finally officially meets my mom. We open gifts and I have to admit, he did a great job. I usually hate getting things but he got me a 1980 US olympic jersey signed by quite a few of the miracle on ice team and he got Shawn some new hockey stuff for World Juniors. I got Corey a bunch of travel stuff and a promise that he can stay over when my brother and mom leave. We eat Christmas lunch and watch football like a good American family and a Canadian boyfriend does.

Eventually I take my family to the airport and say goodbye. I squeeze my brother good because I wasn't ready to let him go.

"Make me proud" I tease.

"I'll try my best" he tells me.

"Go to bed on time and no drinking" I remind him.

"Mom is coming now, I'm pretty sure I'll be in bed by nine with a glass of warm milk by my bed" he insists and I laugh.

"You hate milk" I say.

"I know. But it's been a while since mom has been around. I can almost assure you she doesn't remember that" he insists.

"Well you go bond and make memories with mom. I'll hold it down here for you" I promise.

"Don't miss me too much" he smirks.

"I already do" I smile.

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