Birthday Present

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After I send my mom and brother off to Sweden I focus back up on my skating. The Olympics were less than two months away and I had a lot of work to do in the mean time. Unlike all the other girls who do college or professional hockey, I don't have the recent experience they have. I have to do it all on my own. And while practicing with the Blackhawks has perks of its own, it's not the game experience I'm missing.

And in the middle of this all was Corey's birthday, who just so happened to be a New Year's Eve baby. So that gave us plenty of reason to take a break from the grind and party the night away. Since Corey has been staying over we get ready at my place and meet up with the guys and their girlfriends at a bar. We were going to ring in the new year here together and I was pretty excited. I haven't been to a party like this since I was in college and I didn't drink back then so I expected this to be fun.

"Hey Sammy, it's good to see you again" Brent says as he comes over. He has his wife under his arm and a beer in his hand like all the good hockey players did.

"Good to see you too. How has getting ready for the baby been going" I wonder. Dayna was due not too long from now and they were excited. It was their first kid and out of everyone, they're the couple who would get through it all in my book.

"We're getting there. But I would kill to have a drink right about now" Dayna admits.

"I'll drink for you" I wink as she laughs at me.

I go off with Corey because it was his birthday after all. He didn't want anything but I would be a awful girlfriend if I didn't get him something. So I get him some beers and we sit to the side as we wait for the countdown.

"I have to tell you something" I admit as I sit in his arms. He turns to me with the same grin he's had on his face all night.

"What is it" he wonders.

"I'm not going to be working at the hospital anymore, not for a while at least" I announce and his smile falls.

"What?! Why" he questions. "This isn't because of me... right?"

"Because, nursing will always be there for me, hockey won't. Nursing was my dream but so were the other opportunities that will pass by if I don't grab them now. The Olympics come around once every four years, and eventually I won't be able to do this much longer. I can always go back to the hospital, I have my degree and my hours put in. They assured me that if and when the time is right I can come right back to where I was, helping people in one of the many ways I know I can.

But right now that's not where I'm supposed to be. I'm supposed to be right here, with you, living out our dreams" I explain. His smile returns to his face as he looks deep into my eyes.

"You promise this isn't because of me" he begs.

"Not everything I do is because if you. But you're my favorite reason for anything" I admit.

"I just don't want you to give up on nursing because you want to spend more time with me or because I want you to play" he explains.

"I'm not giving up on it. It's just on hold for a while" I explain.

"And how do you feel about all of this" he wonders.

"I'm feeling pretty good. I mean I got to do what I planned on doing, I was a nurse and I made friends and memories there. It allowed me to be able to help support my family after my dad was gone and I'm going to miss it. But my future is changing and that means I must change with it. There's been a lot of change recently and it's a lot to take in. But I think we're on the right track" I admit.

"And where is this track leading" he wonders.

"To a wonderful birthday gift I have for you at the house" I say and he starts to pout.

"I told you I didn't want anything but your time" he reminds me.

"And you got that. But I can bring so much more to this relationship" I tease.

"Is that so" he says in his deep voice that drives me crazy. He pulls me so my body fits into his and I smile big.

"Yup" I smirk.

"How about we go get that birthday present" he suggests and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"You want to leave the party" I question.

"I really want to leave" he assures me.

So I grab his hand and pull him behind me. We don't even say bye to our friends before we sneak out of the bar. We hop in his car and drive back to my place. It felt like it took forever to get back to the house, but we finally get there. I let us in and as soon as we get inside Corey slams his lips against mine. He softly pins me up against the wall as his hands slip under my dress. I softly cup his face so his lips couldn't leave mine.

"Upstairs. Now" he demands as I bite my lip. He pulls me upstairs and straight to my room.

"Do you want your gift" I ask.

"I want you" he claims. I fall back onto my bed and he follows closely. He takes no time to put his lips on mine again. I try not to moan but I couldn't help it, he made me feel so good.

I start to shed my dress but he grabs my hands stopping me. He takes over and gets the snug dress that took forever to get on over my head in the matter of seconds. I get his shirt off and toss it next to my clothes that laid out on the floor. He rolls us over so I was straddling his lap as he keeps his lips on mine. He lets my hair down from its updo and my hair waterfalls over us.

"Is this my gift" he teases and I giggle.

"I got you a new wallet with a picture of us in it" I tell him as he chuckles.

"That's cute. But I think I want you, all of you" he admits as he runs his hands up and down and my sides.

"I think I can give you that, it is your birthday after all" I smirk.

Thin Ice (Corey Crawford)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें