Far Far Away

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Now that the babies room is ready we had my family and our friends in the Chicago area meet at my moms house for a baby shower. My mom and brother put everything together and pulled out a pretty good looking last minute baby shower if I do say so myself. I'm not sure what we're going to do with all of these things we have lying around the house now. We were already more than prepared for the baby and still had one more baby shower to go.

We knew we were going to be in Canada for that shower and the draft but Corey and I wanted to go somewhere nice where it's just him and I for a little while. It's hardly ever just him and I nowadays it feels like. That's what happens when both of us make a name for ourselves. In most relationships just one person is super duper famous. Not everyone can be a John Legend and Chrissy Tiegan or Kim Kardashiam and Kanye West. It's a lot of responsibility and not a lot of free time.

"So where are you thinking for a vacation" Corey asks me.

"Why do I have to decide" I ask.

"Because you're the one carrying the baby so I want to make sure we're doing something you can do and want to do" he insists.

He had a point. "Alright. Well we should do somewhere with a beach because I just bought this super cute swimsuit online and I'm dying to wear it. But I want to do other things while I can. Something a little physical but not climbing mountains and cliffs and stuff" I laugh.

"Alright. I think we can find someplace warm and pregnant friendly. And far from here" he promises.

"Please be far from here" I beg.

"What? Sweet home Chicago getting to be too much" he jokes.

"No. Not at all. But it's a vacation and it shouldn't be what we have to deal with every single day we're here. The city or hockey or anything like that" I insist.

"Let me see what I can do" he winks.

He takes off and finds us a nice little vacation and I continue to make us some dinner. My brother and mom were off college shopping and everyone from the team who wasn't settled into Chicago for the off season went back home. A few of the guys stuck around like Brent and Sharpy which was good because that means Dayna and Abby would be around to keep me sane. They are so excited to see the baby even though they both have one of their own. But it was nice knowing they're around if my mom is busy with Shawn and I need a mother's touch.

But for now I was going to control what I can. Make some food for little Mia to enjoy with me and hope Corey doesn't send us somewhere crazy. I can still fly at this point of my pregnancy. So going somewhere off shore while I can is preferred, but as long as I can go far I will.

I finish making food and we sit down at the dinner table. Corey brings in his laptop and shows me what he came up with.

"Okay, so I'm thinking Hawaii. I know it's cliche but it's still a part of the states but pretty far away from here and hockey and everything else. We can go to the beach as much as we want, but there's also fun things we can do that being pregnant wouldn't effect. The four seasons resort there is one of the best in the world and I know you will be taken care of there. Plus it's kinda beautiful" he admits.

"Hawaii sounds like fun, I would love to go there. I haven't really taken a vacation before. All of our money went to hockey and I didn't believe in taking time off. So this will be fun" I smile.

"You have never been on vacation" he gasps.

"Not even to the Dells which is just a few hours from here. I loved being on the ice, every day was a vacation for me" I shrug.

"Have you been to a beach before" he questions.

"Does the beaches in Chicago count" I wonder.

"No" he laughs.

"Then I guess not. So that means my first vacation and first time being on a beach will be spent with you. So don't mess it up" I tease.

"I'm trying not to" he promises.

So he books us five days in the resort with full access to the beaches and all the other fun stuff to do while we're there. I decide I should finish shopping for the summer maternity clothes and make sure I find clothing for no matter how big I get. I don't want to buy something now and it not fit for the trip but I also don't want to think I can wait until the last minutes to get what I needed. That's Corey's job.

After dinner Corey and I decide to online shopping for things for Hawaii. He was just as excited as I was to be away from it all for a while. We've had a crazy six months so far this year and I think we deserve a vacation. Take a break from all the hockey and the barrier breaking and record setting, look forward to taking a step back instead of forward for once. Put things into perspective before having to work on our future again.

"Oh man, she's active today" I admit as I feel Mia move around. She was hyperactive, that's for sure.

"She's moving!? I want to feel" Corey insists as he nearly tosses his laptop to the side to move closer to me.

I giggle as I take his hand and place it on my belly. I move a little to see if I get a response from her and she responds pretty quickly. Maybe she's going to be a good listener.

Corey pops up smiling as big as ever as he gasps softly. "I felt it" he cheers making me smile too.

"She might just be a goalie after all. She goes post to post in record time. With the posts being my ribs of course" I joke.

"I know we can't make her love hockey and if she doesn't want to play that's okay. But I hope she at least enjoys it, wants to come to games and maybe give it the good old college try" he says.

"I hope so too" I admit. "I remember being a little girl and my friends telling me I couldn't play hockey. I was a girl and I should stick to what other girls do" I admit.

"What did you do" Corey wonders.

"I got new friends" I smirk.

"See, this is why Mia is going to have the best mother" he claims.

"I'm going to try to be" I promise.

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