100% Effort 100% Of The Time

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Finally it comes to game time for the women's tournament and I was a little too excited. To be able to watch her in a real game was going to be thrilling. She didn't play in the teams first game to see what the other goalie brought to the table in case something should happen to her. It was just a exhibition to get the girls' legs under them before the real thing starts. So she was on the bench cheering on her team like the great captain she is. She was very vocal out there and into all the action. I could tell she wanted to be out there pretty bad, she had waited a pretty long time to willingly go into a game. And tonight was her chance to do that.

So I join her family and mine in the stands as we take our seats behind the net. They do warm ups and I read stats and facts on the sheet they handed out. I was kind of nervous not because I didn't think she would do good but because I was hoping this is everything she ever hoped for and more. I don't want her to finally make it and be disappointed after she got there. She deserved for this to be special for her after she's already lost so much.

Eventually the game starts and immediately I calm down. As soon as the puck drops I feel my heart slow down almost too much as I watched her. It's like everything around us was still and it was just her and the puck.

The whole night she never let the thing out of her sight. She didn't give up any rebounds and never let the other teams net front bother her. It's like she could see through them or knew right where the puck was going to go. The way she thought the game was unbelievable, a hockey IQ at the level of Patrick Kane. And the fact that she was actually able to perform at this level was insane. Being out there is so unpredictable and to be able to control this game like she has was something else.

The game gets over and not only did she have a shut out but she had a assist too on a beautiful stretch pass to a wide open forward down ice. Something that a special kind of goalie with her kind of vision could pull off. They announce her as the number one star even though they pretty much thumped Switzerland in every aspect of the game. A shut out is still a shut out and it gives them points in the standings too.

Once they were done she stays back for a interview and I record this moment on my phone like the proud boyfriend I am.

"Well this is a bit different than the last game you played in eh" the announcer asks and she laughs. I could see her smile from up here it was so big.

"Yeah. The ice is bigger" she joked making everyone laugh.

"In all seriousness you have one of the more interesting stories when it comes to your path here. You have only played in one game since you were in college and that was in the NHL. But even after losing your dad and only playing in a beer league you made it here and you've made it clear you're here to prove yourself. What are you hoping to get out of these games" the woman asks.

"Some more friends, I don't have a lot of them but every girl on this team is like a sister to me. It's like we've known each other for so long even though it's been a week. My dad and I always talked about what it would be like here. And I thought that in 2010 we would be there to see it together but he passed away in January so I decided not to come here and play. It was a hard decision but that was all still so fresh. Even now it's hard to look up in the stands and not see him there.

But I have my brother and my mom here and they're still cheering me on. Still making sure we make our dad proud. And now I have my boyfriend and his family wearing enemy colors just for me so I can't let that go to waste either. There's a lot of reasons I wanted to do it but none bigger than those people in the stands and the girls on the ice with me" she explains.

"Well your team looks pretty good. They're playing inspired hockey with you in net and a lot of that has to do to with the leadership you have. How surprised were you when you found out they voted you captain" she asks Sam.

"Very" she laughs. "Not a lot of goalies get picked as captain but if you think about it, we're the only ones out there every second of the game most nights. I can pick up on players habits and watch their eyes. I can figure out a lot about player and be able to help my teammates to defend. I won't be giving snipe pointers but when it comes to defending and back checking then I can help. I just want to be what they need in order to be successful. Every game I know I'm giving a hundred percent. My dad used to tell me that if I was just going to give 99% then I shouldn't even step out on the ice because it's a waste of talent. It's 100% of the effort 100% of the time" she says.

"Spoken like a true hockey player. We can't wait to see you guys in the next game. Good luck to you all" the announcer says.

"Thank you" Sam smiles.

I end up having practice right after the game so I go to the locker rooms to change. When I do I see Sam signing a few things for some kids who was brought down to the locker rooms. She had the biggest smile on her face as she bent down to be eye to eye with the kids. They take pictures and talk and it melted my heart. She was so sweet it seemed fake. But she truly loved this sport, the future of this sport and her role in it. She wanted kids to look at her and feel like they can make it too. And now they can.

The kids get whisked away and I slide in front of her. She smiles big before softly kissing my cheek.

"Hey you" she starts and now it was my turn to blush.

"Hey you. Nice game" I tell her.

"Thanks. I think all that training really helped. I felt oddly calm out there" she admits.

"I know. I felt it too. It was weird" I claim.

"I felt like I felt what you were feeling out there too" she admits and I laugh.

"I think that just means we spend too much time together" I tease.

"Well I'm certainly not going to change that" she claims.

"Good" I smile.

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