Birthday Surpise

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Today was Sams 26th birthday and we had a big surprise in store for her. Shawn was back in town for the day to hang out with her and have a little fun in the sun. Plus some of the guys on the team and their significant others wanted to hang out and eat some cake to celebrate one of the most interesting people in professional sports.

So I wake her up and bring her breakfast in bed. And since I love her so much I ordered her favorite breakfast from Panera because if it was food I made she wouldn't be able to eat it.

She reluctantly sits up and I set the plate on her lap. She smiles up at me before giving me a soft kiss.

"Thank you baby" she starts as I sit in bed next to her.

"You're welcome birthday girl. You're the big 2-6 today, feel any older" I tease.

"Oh yeah. And not from the age but from the fact that there is a human growing inside of me so going to the bathroom is often I could be wearing diapers and the fact I can't walk correctly anymore" she jokes.

"Well I think you look so very beautiful" I assure her and she smiles.

"It does help a little" she admits.

"Now eat up because we have a lot to do today and there isn't a second to waste" I insist.

"What if I just want to lay in bed all day for my birthday" she asks.

"You do that every other day" I tease as she laughs at me. Not really true but whenever she's here she's usually in bed.

"Alright, fine. I know you got some plans for today and I'm going to try to be as little irritating as possible" she promises.

"Good" I nod. "So I'm going to give you something special then we're going to the UC to hang out with some friends and family. We got some games and presents to get into there so we'll be there for a while. Then I'm taking you out to dinner because you're pregnant and we can't go skating even though that's the one thing you want to do right now" I insist.

"That's a lot" she admits as she takes another bite of her oatmeal.

"It is, but you mean a lot to a lot of people and as much as I want to be selfish and keep you to myself I know better than to try and do that" I admit.

"Alright fine. But I am not getting out of this bed until I can't hold my pee in anymore" she demands making me chuckle. 

"Deal" I assure her.

So I leave her in bed to finish her food then she takes a bath and changes for the day. The swelling in her ankles is the only spot that gets painful for her so she likes to take a lot of baths. So she gets ready and I finish up wrapping her birthday present before I give it to her.

Eventually she comes out of her room and finds me sitting on the couch. She sits next to me and I set the bag in her lap.

"Before you yell at me for getting you something even though we agreed on no gifts, this is technically for me and not for you" I say.

She looks at me weird as she opens up the bag. She pulls out my mask I got made for this season.

I got a new one and it was really special to me and I know it will be for her too. I got her initials and Mia's initials on the chin guard part with the tomahawks behind it. And I got it in her handwriting because I asked her to write it down a while ago since her handwriting is so nice. She didn't know what it was for but coming into this season I knew I wanted a new mask and I knew I wanted it to be special. On one side I got the Blackhawks logo because it's historic and I like to pay tribute to this original six team as much as I can. I was drafted here and I hope I spend forever here too. Then on the other side I had a silhouette of a goalie making a blocker save. It was actually her from that game she played for us and stoped that 2 on 1 that most NHL goalies wouldn't have stopped, I knew I wouldn't have. But that image became really popular and what they used for the papers and billboards and anything else that had her face on it.

"Is this me" she whispers as she looks at the silhouette.

"Yeah. That was the moment everything changed and no one knew it yet. But that save proved you belonged here with us, with me. And I remember that save so vividly because it was so insane, and it was your first shot of the game and you absolutely stunned everyone. I had no idea who you were, what you were going to mean to me, but I still knew in that moment you are changing not just my history but everyone else's" I admit.

"This is amazing Corey, I don't know what to say. I'm honored" she says softly.

"I wanted everyone to know who I do it for, and right now it's for this city, the fans, this team and you and Mia" I explain.

"How did I ever get so lucky" she asks me and I smile.

"I can be asking you the same" I tease.

Once we finish up with that we head on over to the UC. She can't skate but we still set up a little birthday party for the guys to hang out and for her to talk to her friends. Plus Shawn was going to be there and I know sam will freak out.

So I text her mom when we get there and I bring her to the media room where we watch film and go over plays and stuff. That's mostly where she works so taking her down there she knew what to expect.

We get inside and she was pretty surprised. She knew there was a party but I didn't tell her much else. I wanted her to experience it for herself and see just how loved she is by this organization and this city.

Shawn comes up behind her and covers her eyes so she couldn't see it was him.

"Corey" she asks.

"I wish" Shawn scoffs making me laugh.

She quickly rips his hands off of her and turns around. Once she realized her suspicions were right she jumps right into his arms. He hugs her tight as she tries her damnest not to cry.

"What are you doing here" she sniffles.

"I'm here for you dumbass" he jokes and I smile. Man I missed these two together.

"How" she asks.

"Corey got me down here" he claims as he turns to me. I send him a wink as he nods his head.

"Well you have to tell me about college, how has it been so far" Sam asks him.

"I havent even had class yet. We're still in workouts" he reminds her.

"Well no one is taking care of your sorry ass so I'm sure you're keeping it interesting" Sam jokes.

"I'm staying out of trouble" he defends.

I let them go off and catch up and I find some of the guys who come out. We crack out a beer and I try not to be a hover boyfriend. It's not every day you turn 26 so I want to keep her happy and enjoying these moment that seem so small.

Thin Ice (Corey Crawford)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora