Chapter 41: The Hunt For Sasuke

Start from the beginning

'I'm coming with you.' Naruto joined in.

'Calm down, you three!' Kakashi instructed, using a teacher-like tone. 'At a time like this, staying calm is crucial or things won't work out.'

'How can I stay calm?' Naruto growled. 'I won't let them lay a hand on Sasuke!'

He swung his arm in a way to show that the conversation was over and his mind was set, only to get stopped by Kakashi.

'I said wait!' he said strictly, grabbing Naruto's arm firmly. 'Danzo has already figured out this is how you'll react. So you'll go see him, then what?'

'I won't do anything violent.' said Naruto. 'I just want to talk to him and ask to him to change his mind about Sasuke!'

'I hardly think that he'll go along with whatever you say. Jeez!' said Kakashi, looking deeply annoyed. 'Danzo has been appointed by the feudal lord -'

'Well, un-appoint him!' I yelled angrily, stomping my foot.

'You know that's not possible.' he said sharply. 'If you make a wrong move, you'll be thrown into jail.'

'That's fine with me!' retorted Naruto, pulling his arm free. He turned his back on Kakashi and began walking. 'I'm going!'

Sakura followed him from behind. 'Me too!'

Without speaking, I followed them from behind.

'H-hey, you guys ...' Kiba faltered, staring at us.

'Naruto, you possess the nine-tails.' Kakashi suddenly said, making the three of us freeze.

'What about it?' Naruto said, impatiently.

'Danzo would like nothing more than to confine you into this village.' Kakashi explained. 'Do you want to get locked up in jail? That's exactly what he wants. Then you won't be able to look for Sasuke. Don't make a scene right now.'


After promising Kakashi sensei that we wouldn't go and talk to Danzo, Naruto, Sakura and I split up with Kakashi sensei and we were now running around the village, finding someone.

To our luck, we found him not long after we began our search.

'Sai!' Sakura called, as we ran over towards him. 'We were just looking for you!'

'We need to talk to you!' Naruto and I said in sync.

'What is it?' he asked calmly.

'Tell us what you know about Danzo.' Sakura said, fiercely.

I crossed my fingers, hoping he would. But instead, he stared blankly at us.

'Sai!' Naruto said, urgently.

But Sai's blank look didn't falter. 'That's not possible.'

'Sai, please!' I pleaded, taking a few steps towards him. 'Why? Are you working for him again?'

'No ... It' not that.' he answered simply. 'It's not possible for me to say a word about Danzo-sama. Due to this -'

He stuck out his tongue; there were black markings at the back of his tongue till the middle of it.

Naruto, Sakura and I stared at it, puzzled and surprised looks on our faces.

'Huh? What's the hell is that?' said Naruto.

'Is it a curse mark?' Sakura said, squinting slightly.

'Yes,' Sai gave a small nod. 'It's a curse mark placed by Danzo-sama. If I start to talk about Danzo-sama, my entire body will become numb and I won't be able to move or talk. This is true of all who belong to the foundation.'

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