Chapter 58: Sasuke Learns To Always Knock Before Entering

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It was lunch time. I sat across Nii-san, arms folded and my foot tapping against the wooden floor.

Masoto sat next to Nii-san - drumming his fingers on the teak table. With one arm propped up on the table, he was resting his face against the bottom half of his palm

The two of us watched Nii-san with beady eyes while he ate calmly.

'What are you two doing?' he said, not looking up from his food. 'Your food's going to get cold.'

'I just don't get how you knew we were tailing you.' said Masoto, his eyebrows knitted together as though he was racking his brains.

'Do you know why we were following you though?' I asked, picking up my chopsticks when my stomach growled.

'First of all, you two were already acting weird before I left the house. Secondly, I'm a Jounin - of course I'd know if a group of people were tailing me.' he looked up, an amused smile on his face. 'And, yes - I know why you were following me. And no, I'm not seeing anybody. I don't know what gave you two the idea that I was.'

Masoto and I fell silent as we gaped at him.

'B-b-because everytime I asked you, you always changed the subject!' Masoto stood up abruptly, causing his chair to let out a painfully screeching noise as it scraped against the floor. He pointed a finger accusingly at Nii-san who looked surprised.

'I didn't think you were being serious.' Nii-san smiled apologetically. 'Sorry, I didn't take you seriously.'

I snorted, seeing Masoto slump back into his chair, sulking. 'Nobody ever takes me seriously ...' he grumbled.

'Ah ... I didn't mean it that way.' Nii-said. 'I meant that these kind of things like dating never really bothered me.'

'So, if Orochimaruo dated Makoto, you wouldn't be bothered?' Masoto teased, smirking at me.

Nii-san choked on his tea, nearly spewing it.

I grimaced. 'Why does it have to be Orochimaru of all people?'

He shrugged in response. 'Why not?'

'If Makoto were to date Orochimaru, she wouldn't only be going on dates with him.' Nii-san answered, putting down his chopsticks across his bowl. 'She'd be going on a date with therapy every single day.'

Masoto snorted while I stared at my brothers, my eye twitching.

'Oi ... why am I the victim here?' I grumbled, feeling a vein throb in my forehead.


I swung a leg over Ten Ten's head just as she ducked.

Several shurikens came racing towards me and I deflecting them all with my rod.

Both of us stood about two meters away from each other, panting - our body tense and alert.

Ten Ten smiled, loosening up. 'You think that's enough for today? I promised to meet up with Lee after this.'

'Oh?' I smirked, wiping sweat off my brows.

She scowled, stomping over to me before hitting the back of my head. 'There's nothing going on between Lee and I!'

'Ow!' I rubbed the sore spot gingerly. 'I know that, geez ... I was just teasing.'

'Well, don't.' she said, folding her arms. 'That's my job - I'm supposed to be teasing you and Sasuke.'

'Please, don't.' I said, through half lidded eyes.

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