Chapter 53: Back To Before ... Sort Of

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The tension was thick between us. Everything was silent. Even the birds that were chirping earlier seemed to stop. We stared at each other , as if awaiting for either one of us to make the next move.

I took the step.

'Forget what I said!' I waved my hands frantically in front of me, letting out a nervous laugh. 'It was a slip of the tongue! I wasn't thinking when I said it! Just ignore it - I didn't mean it - hey!'

Sasuke's arms had somehow made their way around me and I was now locked in his embrace, my face pressed into his shoulder.

'You shouldn't say things like that, Makoto. I won't be able to control myself.' he said softly into my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand as his breath tickled my earlobe.

I positioned my hands on his chest and tried pushing him away. 'W-wait, S-Sasuke! Y-you can't j-just suddenly d-do th-is after we agreed to b-b-be f-friends o-only -'

'You're so noisy.' he said, pulling me closer. 'Just stay like this for a while.'

I stopped struggling, my hands resting on his chest. My face burned as I felt his heart pick up speed underneath my fingers. I breathed in his familiar scent. I couldn't pin point what he smelt like. All I knew was that I loved it.

He's warm ...

'Sorry, Makoto ...' he said, still not letting go of me. 'I've been horrible to you all these years. I deserve to get beaten into pulp by you ...'

I felt tears prickle in my eyes. My fingers curled around his shirt tightly. 'Why are you saying that, Sasuke? Didn't I already say I forgave you?'

'But I can't forgive myself.'

I began shaking uncontrollably in his arms. I remembered all those times he hurt me. All those times he made me cry and I felt so broken. Yet ... Yet there were times when he made me happy in a way that no one else could. Just with his touch and a simply nice action from him was enough to make my mood for an entire day. I felt like I needed him. I couldn't imagine falling in love with anyone else but him.

'You're shaking.' he said, sounding surprised and worried. His arms loosened around me as he tried to pull away but I pulled him closer, burying my face into his chest.

'It's your fault!' I cried, trying to calm myself down at the same time. 'I never planned to fall so hard for you! I never planned on falling this hard for anyone ... Don't ever leave again ...'

He remained in the same position for about a minute until I felt his hand on my head and an arm wrapped securely around me once more.

'I won't ... I never will.' he said slowly. 'I won't ever leave your side.'

I relaxed hearing those words. I finally felt safe in his arms. I was safe in his arms now. I felt a small smile creep up to my face as I inhaled his scent.

I pulled away from him slowly and hurriedly wiped my tears away.

I looked at him and smiled. 'Fight me.'

He blinked quickly. 'What?'

I chuckled, taking a few steps away from him. His hands slid away from me, instantly making me feel cold.

I ignored the feeling and pulled out my rod. 'I want to spar with you.'

Sasuke stared a me before his signature smirk flashed across his face.

'Sure.' he said, drawing his sword. 'Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.'

'Don't even try,' I scoffed, swinging my arm to punch him in the gut lightly.

He caught my wrist before my fist came into contact with him.

He stared down at me, cocking eyebrow, his smirk still intact.

I felt a fluttering feeling in my stomach. 'O-oi! Let go of me -'

He pulled me towards him in a flicker of movements. Now our body's were pressed against each other, my hand between our chests.

'We haven't even started to fight. You can't have a head start, Makoto.' he said, leaning down slightly so that his face was only an inch away from mine.

My heart beat increased in speed. I felt my face in flames when I tried pushing him away from me.

It didn't work.

So, I lifted up my leg.

I kicked him in the shin.

He cringed in pain and finally let me go.

I leapt away from him and stuck out my tongue. 'Stupid.'

He let out a small chuckle before he advanced towards me, his sword raised. 'Let's go!'


Both of us were panting, drenched in sweat. My kunai pointed to his chest and his sword beneath my chin.

I frowned. 'You went easy on me.'

He eyes widened. He put his sword away and avoided my eyes. 'No. No, I didn't.'

I put away my kunai as well and clenched my fists, feeling slightly hurt. 'You only used your sword and your fireball jutsu. Why? Do I seem that weak to you?'

'It's not that.' he said, running a hand through his hair, looking uncomfortable. 'I just don't want to hurt you at all. I think I've done enough for a life time.'

His answer caught me by surprise. 'This is different ... I don't mind getting hurt now. We're training!'

'I know,' he said, sighing. 'I was just worried.'

I gave him a small smile. He was trying to get things back to normal yet he was finding it hard. Seeing him in such a state.

I raised my hand and patted his head. 'You're adorable.'

He scowled at me. He flicked my forehead. 'Stop that.'

'Ow...' I rubbed my forehead before settling down on the grass, putting an arm over my eyes.

'What are you doing?' I heard him ask from above.

'I'm really sleepy. Just ignore me. You can go back first or train in another area.'

'Oi, why are you kicking me out of this training ground when you're just going to use it so sleep?' he said, and felt something prod my side.

'This place calms me down somehow and if that's your foot that's at my side, I'm gonna break it.'

The prodding stopped.

'Seriously ...' I heard him mutter. I heard rustling just as I felt him right next to me. I guessed he was sitting down beside my laying form.

I wanted to ask him to ask him to go back first but my consciousness left me fast.


Hey guys, how'd you like the chapter? I'd like to let you guys know that even know Sasuke and Makoto agreed to just be friends at the moment, they will get carried away from time to time and things will get pretty ahem steamy in the later chapter perhaps. This also means only about five to six chapters left before this story ends. Not sure whether that's a good or bad thing. Anyways, as usual, thanks for reading!

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