Chapter 11: Emotions everywhere

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'Good morning,' Sakura greeted sleepily as she joined the rest of us at the table.

'Naruto didn't come back last night, either?' Tazuna asked, causing my eyes to widen slightly. Naruto's been training that hard? He hasn't been sleeping here? Huh, maybe that's why I didn't hear bickering at night ...

'He's stupid, so he's been climbing trees by himself every night.' Sakura said, rubbing her eyes. 'He might be dead from excessive Chakra use -'

I slammed my fist onto the table, shocking everyone. I shook in fury as I glared at Sakura. 'I wish you would stop being so mean to Naruto ... He's a much better person than you are.' I said, through gritted teeth. 'What did he ever do to you that makes you look down on him so much? You insensitive jerk ...'

I turned towards Tazuna and Tsunami. 'I'm sorry for my rude attitude, please excuse me.' And with that, I left the house in search for Naruto.

I heard the short sound of a chair being dragged across the floor before I heard foot steps approaching. Thinking it was Kakashi sensei, to lecture me about what I did was wrong, I walked faster, not looking back.

'Oi, Makoto.'

I halted. Turning my head slightly to see Sasuke from the corner of my eye.

'What?' I said simply, continuing to walk into the forest. He caught up to me, hands in his pockets, we walked side by side for a while until he finally spoke.

'What happened back there?' he asked, still looking straight.

'I - I don't know,' I answered truthfully, shrugging. 'I guess I just got sick and tired Sakura being so mean to Naruto while he likes her so much.' I turned my head slightly to face him.

'So, are you going to find him now?' he asked and I nodded.

'No matter how much I trust Naruto to be able to take care of himself, I can't help but worry about him.' I said before turning my head slightly to face him. 'What about you? What're you doing out here?'

'Just going for a walk.' he muttered, looking slightly awkward. I couldn't help but smirk.

'You're worried about Naruto as well, aren't you?' I teased.

'Don't speak rubbish, idiot. I said I was going for a walk,' he growled.

'Sure.' I drawled. 'I'm just gonna tell Naruto that you followed me because you were so worried about him !'


I playfully walked away from him when he grabbed my arm.

But then, the two of us froze when a rather pretty and petite girl who looked either slightly older than us or perhaps the same age as us, walked past us.

Our eyes followed her until we were brought back down to earth by Naruto's voice.

'Why? What an amazing thing ...' he mumbled to himself, sitting cross-legged and looking deep in thought, not even noticing us. 'This world is engulfed in mysteries.'

Without letting go of my arm, Sasuke walked towards Naruto, pulling me along until we stood right in front of Naruto. With his free hand, he punched Naruto on the head.

My eyes widened.

'Ouch.' Naruto complained, grabbing his head. 'Oi. What are you doing?'

'Did you forget about breakfast this time, idiot?' said Sasuke, letting go of my arm looking down with a bored expression.

'Huh, hehe,' Naruto chuckled, annoying Sasuke, who seemed to have forgotten I was right behind him and took a step back, stepping on my foot and tumbling slightly into me, elbowing me in the ribs.

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