Chapter 2: I ship it

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I stared out of my bed room window at the dimly-lit streets of Konoha, as I sat cross-legged on my bed.

My stomach rumbled all of a sudden, causing my eye to twitch. I patted my stomach gently and sighed before glancing at the small clock on my nightstand. Eight forty-five. I still hadn't had anything to eat from lunch until now since I was pissed at my parents. I didn't want to have dinner with them or another argument to break out. What was it to them who I hung out with? They always think I'm hanging with the wrong sort but I'm not!

A small frown appeared on my lips when I remember one of my closest friends in class - Naruto. He didn't pass the test today, he didn't graduate ... Guilt tugged at the pit of my stomach. I was planning on treating him to Ichiraku's for lunch to cheer him up but I didn't know where he went. I hope he hasn't given up being a ninja. Then again, it's Naruto. When did he ever give up? My thoughts were interrupted when a knock sounded at my door.

'Makoto?' I heard Nii-san call out. 'Can I come in?'

'Come in,' I said reluctantly, not exactly wanting company at the moment. 'The door isn't locked.'

The door opened slowly and Nii-san entered, holding a tray of rice and a few side dishes.

'Thought you might've been hungry,' he said, giving a small smile.

I broke into a grin at the sight of food, feeling touched by his actions.

'Nii-san ...' I trailed off, speechless.

He walked over to my bed and laid the tray on my lap. He handed me a pair of wooden chopsticks and brushed my fringe out of my eyes - like what parents usually did to their child.

'Eat up,' he said. 'Its getting late and you'll need to sleep soon. I don't want you oversleeping tomorrow - you're going to be put in teams, you know?

I nodded, smiling as I stuffed my face with food.

'I have another mission tomorrow but I'll be able to send you to the academy before I go off,'

I nearly choked on the food. 'You have another mission tomorrow?' I said, aghast.

Nii-san nodded, giving a weary smile. He turned his head slightly towards the window and from the moonlight that was shining into his face, I realized how tired he looked. He had dark eye bags and he looked as though he barely had enough time to rest.

I stared down at my food, not eating. Nii-san did all he could do for me but I never did anything for him. Even though he's busy, he'll still find time to spend with me and help me with training. I felt like such an ingrate ...

'Whats wrong?' He asked, worry etched on his face. 'Why aren't you eating anymore?'

I looked at him and forced a smile. 'I'm just thinking of some things. Nothing important!'

And then began eating again.

Once I was done, I thanked Nii-san for the food.

'It's alright,' he said, patting me on the head. 'Don't go to sleep immediately alright? I don't want you having indigestion,'

'Yes, Nii-san.'

'Good night, Makoto.' He said, taking the tray in his hands before leaving my room.


The next morning, I woke up and threw on my usual ninja attire - a tight black t-shirt with a sleeveless maroon hoodie and dark grey bermudas. I guess you could say I didn't dress exactly feminine.

I pulled my hair into its usual high ponytail, the end of my hair just brushing past my shoulders. A few loose strands of hair framed either sides of my face and I put on my forehead protector like a headband. Grabbing my sandals, I made my way out of the house, together with Nii-san.

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