Chapter 34: Nicknames

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I ran a hand through my hair while I locked the door to my flat, I briskly walked down the stairs to be greeted by some of the fellow villagers of Konoha.

Naruto, Sakura and I had agreed to visit Kakashi sensei at the hospital in an hour and I had left the house to meet up with Sakura at first at the library to find books on medical herbs that we didn't know of, yet.

I was dressed casually too, since I wouldn't be going on a mission. I wore a tight, sleeveless, black shirt with a maroon jacket over that was completely unzipped and a pair of dark grey bermudas. As well as, of course, a maroon ribbon tied around my left wrist.

I spotted Sakura standing outside the library and I waved at her, grinning.

'Hey, Sakura!'

She turned to look at me before smiling as I jogged over to her.

'Let's go.' she said, and the two of us entered the library.

Whilst we were looking around for books, I spotted someone from the corner of my eye sitting by one of the large desks located at the side of the library.

Turning my head slightly, I realized it was Sai. He was sitting alone, surrounded by a stack of books, looking engrossed in the book he was reading.

I nudged Sakura, getting her attention before nodding towards Sai.

'Hey, look who it is.' I said, smiling.

She blinked, grabbing a book from the shelf. 'Is that ... Sai?'

'Yeah, it is.' I said, grabbing her arm. 'Come on.'

Together, we walked over to the pale boy, smiling.

'Looking at an art book?' said Sakura.

The two of us chose seats across him, glancing at the books he was surrounded by including the one in his hands.

To my surprise, his cheeks turned a light shade of red while he tried covering the books with his hands.

Sakura and I exchanged smiles. I guess even Sai acts normal sometimes.

'We're going to visit Kakashi sensei, together with Naruto, later on.' I told him, pulling my legs up to sit cross legged on my chair. 'You wanna come too?'

I noticed Sakura shoot me a disapproving look at the position I was in but I ignored her.

Sai looked unsure. 'Kakashi sensei ...'

'You're a member of team Kakashi now.' said Sakura. 'You should at least introduce yourself.'

Sai said nothing but I knew he was feeling uncertain. Well, he is human too, anyways, I thought.


'There he is.' I said, spotting Naruto seated on a park bench by himself, looking lost in thought.

'Naruto!' Sakura called, getting his attention before she started waving.

'Sai's coming too?' he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I folded my arms and gave him a stern look whilst smiling. 'Naruto, be nice. Besides, we bumped into him at the library.'

'Bah ...the library...' Naruto grumbled, wrinkling his nose. 'I can't believe you guys go the library. It's so lame!'

'Naruto, you don't just need to train physically, but mentally, too!' Sakura lectured. 'You're a complete dunce!'

Naruto slumped his shoulders. 'Sakura-chan ... that was harsh.'

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