Chapter 52: Tunnel Turnover

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Meanwhile, Gladion and Lillie sorted through the remaining berries.

"L... looks like we have enough for so... some blends." Lillie remarked.

"Looks like it, Lillie." Gladion agreed. "You should rest your leg though, Lil. You've been on your feet a lot."

"Al... alright."

Gladion smiled at his sister and helped her sit down. Lillie propped up her leg and picked up her knitting. Then she remembered that the clicking of any kind had a negative effect on her brother. They found it out last night. There was a lot of clicking of dishes going on and Gladion froze, was pale in the face, and was hyperventilating. Kukui calmed him down, and he was able to explain why he reacted like that. The clicking was a trigger of his from what happened with his mother. Clicking noises were a big part of what he went through with her. They were careful with those noises around him.

"It's okay, Lillie." Gladion assured her. He smiled a bit though, happy she was understanding about his situation. Not many people did. "I'm gonna do a bit of training outside anyway."

"You're gonna m... make sure that you can beat him, Glady?"

"Yes. I just want to make sure we're ready. I really want to be able to stay with you, permanently, Lillie."

"I want th... that too, Gladion. G... Good luck."

"See you soon."

They shared a hug before he went back outside with his team, at least those who were able to be up there. Lillie smiled watching Gladion go.

"He loves you very much, Lillie." Millie remarked. "He wants to be with you so much."

"He... he does." Lillie agreed. "He only ever wanted to d... do what's best for me, his team, and wanted to do something to help Alola. Since m... mother went crazy, we... we've been the only family for each other."

"You two have been through a lot. I'm glad that things are getting better now."

"M... me too."

Gladion and his team gathered in the back. There, The Runaway had them face each other. After a few moves, one switched out. Everyone except Twilight was doing it. Suddenly, they heard an explosion, sounding like it came from Digglet's Tunnel.

"You don't think Megan's in trouble, do you?" Uhunana questioned.

"Th... that sounded l... like an unnecessary explosion." SIlvally remarked. "S... she might be."

"Shadow, see if you can get a scope on the situation." Gladion instructed. "We'll heal up and go help if there's something wrong."

"Of course!" Shadow took off.

Gladion healed his team, making sure they were ready to fight. The Golbat came back, a little frantic.

"There's three Team Rocket people!" He reported. "They blew a hole in the tunnel's roof, looks like it's just Megan and Kahuna Olivia fighting them. They need help!"

"Let go!" Gladion called.

They bolted to the tunnel and got inside. In one of the craters was a major rockslide from when the roof collapsed. Megan and Olivia along with their teams were pulling themselves out of the rocks. One of them was Archer from the cavern, smirking evilly as the two girls pulled themselves out. Two were ones Gladion's never seen before. The girl had blonde hair in a pigtail style, fair skin, and light purple eyes, in a black short dress, with the red 'R' on the chest and red and white trim on the skirt. Her elbow length gloves were white and had a red stripe near the top, and the same on her boots, and red triangle shaped earrings in. The man had green hair, with bushy bangs of sorts, pale skin, and reddish eyes, in a black long sleeved shirt, with the R on it as well and black pants. He had the same glove and boot design as the woman, only he had a silver belt on.

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