Chapter 7: To The Lab

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 They went back down the trail from Iki town. Lillie walked next to Kukui with Nebby in the bag. Rick was in the middle with his litten. Megan and Drake brought up the rear. They dropped Rick off at a house in the outskirts. They then go more to the beach and go to a rectangle shaped house with a green roof, blue siding, white trim and a porch. There was some patches in the roof and walls.

"...Do you practice moves inside?" Megan asked.

She remembered when Professor Birch accidently blew a hole in his lab ceiling while doing some experiments. Mattias was not happy with him for a long time. His room was right above where the hole happened.

"Yeah... accidently. I was making a lot of progress with my research that I... well, got a little carried away."

"I'm just lucky the loft where I sleep is above Kukui's bedroom." Lillie told Megan quietly

"That is lucky." Megan agreed.

Pueo had learned from Electrocute that their trainer possessed the ability to understand them. She also figured that she did because of what happened with Tapu Koko.

They went inside the lab. It was a pretty roomy lab. The walls were wooden, and there was green carpet on the floor. To the left of the door was green couches in a square corner. There was a dark oak table in front of it and tv mounted on a short wall separating the tv room from a little play room. A window was above the couches and there was one above the play area too. To the right was a raining to a staircase with a bookcase in front of it. There was a little aquarium with several water types in it. Beyond that was a kitchen. The back wall had the oven and stove, a fridge and cabinets. There was an island in the middle that held the sink and a little counter for eating at. Past the play room was a walled off area with a pink latter leading up to a loft area with a dark brown dresser, a dark blue couch bed and a light blue carpet. There was a door on the side of the cube that was likely Kukui's room. The loft was likely Lillie's room.

A small, tan and white dog-like pokemon ran up to them. His tail wagged like crazy and he was barking.

"HI HI HI!!!" He yipped in a slightly husky, smooth, slightly high pitched voice.

"Hi there, Rockruff." Kukui greeted.

"Rockruff?" Megan questioned as she pulled out her pokedex and looked up Rockruff in it. She read over the entry for it. "Rockruff. The puppy pokemon. A rock type. As they develop their disposition grows more violent and aggressive. Many Trainers find them too much to handle and abandon them." The 'dex read. She frowned abit. "I won't abandon one of them. Then again, I'm somewhat used to pokemon that are aggressive."

"Then you might consider getting one for your team, Megan." Kukui told her. "Rockruff can be extremely loyal when their trainer's good to them, and lycancrocs, their evolve forms, are great companions. They're really good at tracking too."
"That'll definitely be good to have." Megan agreed.

"I thought pokedexs read the entries out loud." Lillie remarked.

"They usually do, Lillie." Megan replied. "However, I got rid of that function since I can't hear it. I'm hard of hearing now."

"Oh. My uncle is too. I haven't seen him in awhile though, same with my brother."

"I'm sure your brother's fine, Lillie." Kukui assured her. "If he still is anything like he was on his Island Challenge, he'll be fine."

"I hope so, Professor."

"Anyway, Megan, Drake, let's get you two registered here. I'll just need your ids."

"Here's mine." Drake took out his trainer's id from his coat pocket. Megan handled over her pokedex. Kukui took them and went downstairs to where his computer was. Lillie let Nebby out of the bag and he played around with Rockruff. Pueo and Electrocute joined in.

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