Chapter 44: Reception on Ula Ula

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 Back on Ula'Ula, Gladion had a bit of a restless night. While he was aware that Lillie was alright, he couldn't stop thinking about what if something did go wrong. Those spawned nightmares, even after he addressed them, and still frightened him into waking up. His team would calm him down from a few really bad ones. Once he was tempted to text Megan, to double check, but decided against it, as it was late, and she was probably exhausted from what happened earlier. He knew one person would be up, and that would be Nanu, but figured the Officer Kahuna was probably really busy. Just in case though, he did text him.

'You busy?'

He got a reply within five seconds.

'No. What's up, Kid?'

'... I've just been getting some nightmares a... about how things are going over there.'

"Worried about your sister?'


'I get where you are coming from, Kid. You have every right to be worried, as it is directly involving your sister, and you are her brother. It's okay here though. She handled herself extremely well during the attack. A little nervous, as expected, but was fine. I was watching her, and Colress showed up too. She was tired afterwards though, and Megan was able to take her back to the DRL. She did just fine though.'

'She did well?'

"She did. Her team was really fierce about defending her too.'

'Thanks for telling me this, Nanu. Sorry for disturbing you.'

'Gladion, it's okay. I told you if you needed any extra reassurance about anything, I'd always be open.'

'Right. Sorry.'

'It's okay, Kid. You're still getting used to some things. You're alright.'

Gladion sighed abit, feeling a lot of the anxieties he had slipped off, for now. He wasn't sure why they stayed this long, probably because of what he's seen with Team Skull, Aether, and the stories he's heard about Team Rocket and Plasma.

'Thanks again, Nanu.'

'No problem, Kid. don't forget to come over to Akala to get that cast of your foot. I still don't know why they don't let you get it off on Ula'Ula.'

'It's how things are here, for some odd reason. I'll be there.'

'And I'll meet you. See you then, Kid. Sleep well.'

'See you, Nanu.'

After that, Gladion was able to sleep with no problems. He only woke up to Silvally gently nudging him. He smiled softly as he sat up.

"I'm up, guys." Gladion told his team. He looked outside, and noted it was a little later than he usually woke up at.

"Y... you were re... really tired, Gladion." Silvally remarked as his trainer got out of bed.

"Yeah, I guess I was." Gladion agreed, gently boosting Twilight onto his shoulder as she was trying to get onto it. She then took her normal spot in his hood.

"You're doing a lot better now, it seems." Kaholo remarked. "Your Aura's a lot calmer than it was after those nightmares."

"I guessed some things helped me calm down, and realize there wasn't anything to worry about. Still, I was worried."

"Which you had every reason to be." Raksha stated. "It was an uncertain situation, and we had no way of telling what was going on, or if anyone was alright."

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