Chapter 50: Showcase Aftermath

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Megan and Gladion were en route to the Hospital.The Runaway had Silvally and Kaila flanking him, and Twilight was still in his hood. Shadow flew on ahead of them. Uila and Electrocute were on their usual perches on their trainer. Pueo was walking behind her, Forte was on one side, and Kanawai was on the other, with Haukea. The vulpix was walking a little slower, because she was tired still, but trying to keep up. The Ranger stopped and picked her up.

"I gotcha, Haukea." She assured.

"Thanks. I... I guess I'm still a little tired."

"Do you want to be in your pokeball instead?"

"No. I'd rather be out."

"Alright. It's your choice."

"Wait a minute..." Gladion remarked, getting another good look at Haukea again. "Megan, do you know that Haukea's a shiny?"

"What?" Megan gasped out, looking at the vulpix in her arms.

"I'm a shiny? Like Pueo?"

"It seems like it, yes." Gladion confirmed.

"Hang on..." Megan gently put Haukea down and pulled out her pokedex. "I'm double checking this, just to be safe."

Gladion nodded, but chuckled softly. He knelt next to Haukea, and she put her front paws on his thine, asking for pets. He complied, gently stroking her head. Twilight hopped out of his hood, and crashed onto the vulpix. They squeaked as they rolled over each other. They crashed into Silvally's front paws. He gave a yip in enjoyment too, and knelt to let them play on his back. After awhile, they resumed walking.

"I can't believe I didn't realize that Haukea was shiny." Megan remarked. "I guess the Rotom Dex doesn't register shinies."

"Guess not. Aren't most Rotoms color blind though?"

"I think so. There's not really a whole lot of research into that."

"Guess some people should look into it though. It could be a problem if the dexes can't recognize shinies. I still can't believe that Haukea ended up here due to that mess up on Aether's part."

"I can't believe it either. My dad's really careful about where the pokemon we get go after they leave the Rescue Center."

"Aether used to be the same way. My dad was extremely strict about how the process of release, or relocation, goes. It went down hill a lot when he left, apparently. Not just with Haukea, but with other pokemon I've seen."

Megan touched his shoulder. She heard the tension in his voice when he mentioned Aether. Gladion came from that place, saw how well his father ran things, then watched it all fall apart when he went missing. His own mother probably tore a lot of it down. Now, he's seen the effects that falling apart had on people and pokemon. It must have been really painful to see that happen.

"I'm so sorry that you had to see that all happen, Gladion, and put up with that woman."

"Thanks for that, Megan. I... I only hope I can do something to curve it when I get out of Team Skull."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been thinking about starting up another Rescue and Rehab center here in Alola. It'll be good to have, even if Aether returns to its normal ways."

"I agree with that. I'll stick around to help out. I bet Kukui and Burnet would be on board too."

"Lillie would want in too. She... she's always loved helping pokemon in need."

"Right! We can't leave her out of this."

"We'll work out most of the other details once I'm out, but this will be really good for Alola."

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