Chapter 24: Battle Royal Aftermath

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Gladion and Megan quickly made their way over to where the shout came from. Megan didn't hear where it was, but knew her team did, Electrocute and Forte were good at helping her with that. They got over to an area behind the Mega Mart building, near route 7. There were two, a man and woman pair, there dressed in black Team Rocket garb, but it wasn't medusa and Matt. The man had black hair, fair skin with piercing black eyes The woman had dark purple hair, olive skin and green eyes. Megan's eyes narrowed, she knew who they were. Entangled in a net at their feet was Nanu.

"You two won't be getting anything from me." The officer Kanuna snarled at them.

"Well, if you won't talk, then we'll just take you to the boss." The man growled.

Nanu's eye just widened and then narrowed. He shifted in the net, trying to reach a pokeball, then stopped. He remembered that the nets Team Rocket used on people cancelled pokeballs from opening. Then he looked beyond them and gasped seeing Gladion there. The teen's face was pale when he heard that the Team Rocket grunts were going to take Nanu away.

"You two won't be taking him anywhere!" Gladion snapped angrily.

Gladion's chest felt tight. he had lost his father, who was the only person who had the ability to fully support him. After that, he had to run away from a place that wasn't his home anymore. He had been nearly completely alone and probably won't have made it out of Po Town if it weren't for Nanu. The Officer Kahuna had been there to help him. He wasn't about to lose Nanu, especially not to Team Rocket. The two grunts wheeled around and looked surprised.

"How'd they find us?" The man questioned sounding confused.

"It doesn't matter." The woman snapped. "They should prepare for trouble.

"And make it double." The man agreed going from confused to serious.

"To protect our world from devastation."

"To unite all thieves within our nation."

"To announce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."

"Kaylee!" The woman declared, throwing out her arm.

"Zeke!" The man echoed mirroring her movements.

"Team Rocket, Blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

"That's right! They coroused.

Gladion had a bored and annoyed expression on his face. Megan had a 'yeah-heard-this-a-million-times' look on hers. Nanu had a dry expression on his face.

"I know who you punks are." Gladion growled, going from bored to anger out of annoyance. "A bunch of no good trouble makers who have no respect for the region, pokemon, or people."

"I agree with that internally." Megan echoed. She shot a glare at the two grunts. "Besides, I'm sure these two nincompoops remember me from when we battled before."

Realization hit the grunts. Gladion saw they actually looked a little scared, of Megan. She must have kicked their butts good when she battled them.

"... Oh, no. It's her! Megan Anden!" Zeke squeaked.

"I... I know." Kaylee squeaked too. "I thought she had moved onto another island by now."

"Ah, no. Not quite." Megan snapped. "Guess it's time to kick your butts again." Megan took out Rizta's pokeball.

"Oh, yeah? GO Mawile!" Kaylee cried sending out her pokemon.

"Heracross, let's go!" Zeke added throwing out his pokemon.

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