Chapter 18: Starting On Akala

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Lillie pulled a wrinkled envelope with the address of the lab and the return address of some place on Alaka. She held it close as if it was valuable to her.

"This is from my brother. He and I have a chance to meet at the Tide Song Hotel on Alaka. I... I wanted to ask if you could... I mean, if you would be nearby in case something happens, and to meet Gladion if the meeting works."

"Lillie, of course I'll help. This is a chance that you need to take. I'll support you in taking it. I'll give you my number so you can call me too."

"Thank you so much, Megan. I... I can't wait to see him again."

"I'm sure he can't wait either, Lillie."

They exchanged the phone numbers easily enough. Then they switched out the stuff from Lillie's old bag. Nebby was out playing with Megan's pokemon as they did it. The Ranger spotted a black flute case among the girl's belongings.

"You play the flute, Lillie?"

"Yes, I do. One... one of the things my brother and I did was pick up some instruments. I really liked the flute the most though."

"I play the flute too. It helps with some Ranger stuff, for me at least."

They finish sorting the bag out. Megan did some training with Kalilo as they waited to leave. After the training though, the two girls settled down in the cabin of the ship. The Ranger had tried to offer to help, but Drake had told her to stay with Lillie in case Team Rocket showed up. Apparently they did before but he and Kukui sent them on their way. The professor came into the cabin.

"Okay. We're ready to go." He informed them. "It'll take about 5 hours to get there since the wind is in our favor right now, but it's gonna be late by the time we get there. Megan, your uncle says that you have reservations to stay at the Tide Song Hotel, so Lillie will be going with you."

"Then Gladion and I will be able to meet tomorrow as we planned." Lillie remarked relieved. "I was worried that we weren't going to to make it."

"I'll make sure you get to Alaka, Lillie." Kukui assured. "You'll be there to meet him. Regardless of the result, head to the Lab after you settle things okay?"

"Okay, Professor."

They set sail for Alaka. Lillie fell asleep against Megan's shoulder with Nebby in her arms, also snoozing. Forte dozed off too, his head resting at Lillie's feet, but his body was on Megan's feet. Kanawai mirrored him, putting her head at Megan's feet and her body at Lillie's. Electrocute, Pueo and Uila were asleep in a heap nearby. The Ranger chuckled a bit and let herself fall asleep too. Kukui and Drake watched them doze off with a smile. Lance was outside the cabin in case it started to sink then he could make an emergency exit on Dragonite.

"It's good that they became friends so fast." Kukui remarked seeing Megan and Lillie.

"Agreed. Megan is good at making them, both with people and with pokemon." Drake added.


They pulled into port on Akala when the girls woke up. Megan did first, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Lillie followed soon after, Nebby cooed happily in her arms. Electrocute and the others woke up too.

"'Morning all." Drake told them. "We're just pulling into Port now."

"Good to hear, Uncle." Megan replied.

"Sorry that I fell asleep on you, Megan." Lillie mumbled. Megan barely heard her but caught the apology.

"It's okay, Lillie. We made it to Akala anyway."

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