Chapter 15: The Trial

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 Megan got up around the same time as she normally did the next morning. She and her team had breakfast at the cafe. Ilima walked in. He looked around and saw the Ranger there. He walked over to the table.

"Ah, Megan Anden, glad to see that you're here." He greeted.

"Oh, Captain Ilima. How's everything at the site?" Megan replied as she sipped her milk.

"It is settled and ready for goers. Are you prepared to attempt it?"

"I'll just have to go over my gear and my team will need time for their breakfast to settle, but we're ready."

"Then I will await your challenge outside the Cavern."

"Aue! It's ready now?" Hau asked. He had just recently gotten up and came down.

"Oh, yes. It is." Ilima confirmed. "You two will be able to take it, as with the other boy whose challenge got interrupted yesterday."

"Rick's a pretty late sleeper, so we might as well." Hau agreed. "I'll get ready."

"I will await your challenges then." Ilima said. "Ladies first, of course."

Forte watched the captain leave. He didn't really like the flirtatious emotions he was getting from Ilima. He's felt it before with someone they meet on their journey. However, the guy got the memo that Megan wasn't interested and backed off. He hoped this guy will get the same memo.

Megan checked that she was set for the trial. She had the reviving and healing pokeblock on her along with some conventional healing items such as potions and revives, not much as she preferred to stick with pokeblock for that. Her team was raring to go. Pueo was egard. Her trainer gave up his challenge before this point when she was with him. Uila was ecstatic. She thought she'd get here with her old trainer, but he was, admittedly, stupid so she was glad to be here with a trainer who knew what she was doing. Kanawai couldn't wait to battle. She was determined to show her skills. The more senor members knew they won't be used as much, but were happy to be along for the ride. Forte however felt that they needed to keep an eye out for trouble. While it was unlikely that Team Skull will come in, it was likely for Team Rocket to show up. They got to the trial gave, all geared up for the challenge. Ilima was waiting for them.

"Greetings, Captain Ilima here." He greeted as they come over

"He says that a lot." Kanawai remarked.

"He does seem to like to introduce himself and flash his title." Forte agreed. "Don't pay it too much mind, Kanawai."


"And my trial takes place just a few steps into Verdant Cavern." Ilima continued. "You best enter my trial all prepared, as you will not be allowed to leave without giving up your chance for today. Are you ready to attempt it?"

"I am. We all are." Megan answered.

"Then come, the Trial awaits."

Megan followed Ilima into the cavern. The inside was the same, except there was no cages and nets anywhere. Ilima turned to her.

"Welcome to the Trial site. I am your captain, Ilima. What you should attempt to do is..." A yungoose darted past them and ducked into a burow. "Defeat three of the pokemon that lurk here in their dens. Once you do that, the Totem pokemon will appear and you will be able to challenge it. Until you have completed the trial, you will not be able to catch any pokemon that are her. And it begins now! The Trial of Captain Ilima!"

"Alright. Kanawai, you're gonna be the main one here." Megan told her. "Let's get to the yungoos we saw. Pueo, Sheriff, scout out the other dens. Forte, Uila, Electrocute, watch out for anything that might cause us some sort of trouble."

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