Chapter 49: Showcase Showdown Take 2

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Lillie grasped her flute to her chest, surprised at the applause she had received. She heard quick paced footsteps to her. Before she could see who it was, she was scooped off her feet and swung around. A squeal escaped her out of surprise, but ended up laughing after she realized who had swung her. Gladion had ran to her, sweeped her up, swung her around, before putting her down and hugging her tightly.

"Lillie, that was amazing!" He exclaimed. "You definitely got my shoe lace out... literally."

Lillie looked down and bursted into laughter. Gladion's right shoe was missing. Silvally lumbered over, the shoe in his claws by the laces. He was rumbling a bit, sounding like laughter.

"Ha ha, Silvally." Gladion replied, fighting a smile. "I nearly face planted on the way over here."

"Silvally! You look so much better now." Lillie remarked.

She separated from her brother to hug Silvally. He gently pressed his head against her, purring. Gladion smiled at them as he gently reclaimed his shoe from his partner's claw.

"I don't even know how it got untied." He explained, kneeling to tie his shoe again.

"We didn't know how it happened... the first time either." Lillie reminded him. Gladion smiled up at her.

"That's true, we didn't." He agreed.

They both looked at Silvally. He shrugged, indicating he had no idea either. All of them shared a laugh at that.

Kukui came out on stage, with a smile.

"I saw her practice that on the brief occasion, but I didn't think it would be that dazzling." Kukui remarked. There were nods of agreement from the audience, and some claps. Lillie blushed at that. Gladion put an arm around her for support. He understood why she was flustered though. She wasn't used to being praised so much.

"You're okay, Lillie." Gladion murmured to her. "They're just impressed with what you were able to do."
"I... I know. Thanks for the reassurance, Glady."

"Always, Lil."

"Now, let's get our contestants out here." Kukui announced. "Lillie and Nadile!"

The audience cheered at that announcement. Lillie squeezed her brother once again before heading back out, being flanked by her team. Gladion smiled as he watched her leave, then headed back to stand with Megan on their security position. The Ranger smiled at him, and it was returned.

Lillie and her team stepped out, and the audience exploded with applause. She jumped in shock but bowed to it. She stood beside Kukui on the left, in front of where Gladion and Megan were. The Professor smiled at her encouragingly. Nadile came out, her hair was a little damp from washing it out, but was present. The crowd clapped politely for her.

"Now, everyone should have a voter under their seats." Kukui explained. "Blue is for Ms. Lillie and purple is for Nadile. Vote for who's performance you enjoyed." Everyone started taking out the voters. "And we'll see who they go to!"

From places in the crowd, white sparkles flew to Lillie or Nadile. They turned to purple or blue as they neared the flower pins they had on. They had key shaped pins in Kalos for Showcases, so they decided to have flower pins for Alolan Showcases. The points added up on the screen behind them. Bars of blue and purple went up below photos of Lillie and Nadile. A bell dinged. Lillie's picture enlarged and centered. Digital fireworks went off around it.

"And the winner is Lillie!" Kukui announced.

The audience cheered at that. Lillie's cheeks flushed red as she was applauded. She glanced behind her, looking at her brother. Gladion had a huge smile on his face and a clear glow of pride in his eyes. He smiled even wider as he made eye contact with Lillie. He gave a wink in encouragement and was clapping for her too. Olivia walked over with a metal she made. It was a pink crystal, forged on a copper backing, mimicking a pattern of the Island's tapu. She stood in front of Lillie with a smile.

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