Chapter 28: To The Jungle

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 When Megan and Lillie woke up the next morning, they smelled some delicious pancakes from the main room. They shared a smile.

"Something smells good out there." Megan remarked.

"Smells like... like Burnet's made Nanab pancakes." Lillie agreed.

"Mmm. That even sounds good. Let's get dressed and get out there."

They got dressed for the day and went out there. There was a large stack of pancakes on the table. They were still warm and had slight pink hue because of the added in Nanab berries, syrup and butter was on the table too, and four places were set. Kukui would likely be there in time for breakfast then. Burnet greeted them with a smile as she set a jug of Moo Moo milk on the table.

"Morning." She said. "Kukui should be here soon, but we can go ahead and get started."

"Okay." the girls agreed.

They fed their teams. Each with the flavor of food that was their preference. Ka'ala had a preference for sweet foods and had a Jolly nature. They were happily eating.

Megan's mind was on the trial. She knew they could to it. She planned on Pueo and Uila for it. Uila, because she was a bug type, which resisted grass and had three moves that were super effective, being X-scissor, Bug Bite, and Acrobatics. Pueo because grass resists grass and flying was super effective. She only knew one flying type move, but that was enough for this. Haukea would also be used if needed. Ice is weak to a lot of things, but was effective against grass types. Worse case scenario, if this one didn't work, she had Torch and Rizta too. It was unlikely to happen, but she knew to be prepared for anything.

Kukui arrived as the girls finished. He smiled at them with their teams, especially Lillie. He knew she worked hard to get to where she was and was very happy to be there.

"You going for it, Megan?"

"Sure am, Kukui."

"Good luck, then."


"I... I hope you do well, Megan." Lillie said. "And... and no one interrupts your trial."

"No one should, Lillie. I'll be okay."
"You have a plan?" Kukui asked.
"Uila and Pueo are gonna be the most used, and Haukea will step in if needed. If it goes wrong, I'll pull out Torch or Ritza."
"Who's Torch again?"

"My charizard."

"Right. The shiny charizard."

"He's the one."

"Good luck, Megan." Burnet said. "All geared up?"

"Yep. I'll be walking there since I didn't see the landing spot. See you all later."

Megan and her team left the lab and set out on Route 6 and the Battle Avenue. They were excited to do this. Together, they knew they could do anything. Surprisingly, Lance and Drake were walking down the Avenue while Megan was passing through.

"Megan? Good to run into you here." Drake said. "I guess you did the grass trial."

"Actually, no. I was in the area but Lillie texted me about a break in at the lab, so I came to help out."

"Nanu mentioned that. It's worrisome that Team Rocket's trying to find out about the UBs. He asked if we could see if they still need help there."

"You might as well come too." Lance said reaching to grab Megan. She stepped out of his reach and glared at him.

"I'm gonna do my grass trial. Kukui's there already." She told him. "I'll come if I have too, but I don't have too."

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