Chapter 34: At the Research Lab

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  They got to the lab, just as Rick and Hau were walking up.

"Thanks for the teleport, Meahuna." Kukui told his espeon. She nodded and accepted a pokebean from him.

"Well, guess we'll see if Lance is here, Hallelujah." Megan remarked.

"I kinda hope he isn't." the pidgeot replied. "I like being out of my ball, and being with you."

Megan chuckled a bit at that. It was no surprise to her that Hallelujah was more fond of her than she was of Lance. Her brother was often really confused about that, but maybe he'll get it now.

"Megan, Professor Kukui. What are you two doing here?" Hau asked.

"Alola, Hau. I just completed my grass trial." Megan answered. "I ran into Kukui on the way out, and he mentioned Lillie needed to talk to me about something."

"Ah, okay. Rick and I have been having a ton of fun doing Battle Royals."

"Yeah. No interruptions of the Team Skull variety either." Rick agreed. "Nothing with Gladion either, which is good, because he's mean."

Megan hid how uncomfortable that last remark made her. She knew Gladion wasn't mean, and was one of the nicest people she's ever met. He was kind to his team most of all. He was only mean when he had to be, and that was when he was with Team Skull. They didn't treat him that well, either, if the interactions she saw with the CALR brothers was anything to go on.

They went inside, to the lab. Burnet was working on the computer there. She looked over at them.

"Alola, everyone." Burnet greeted. "Megan, Lillie's outside in the back with your uncle. She's really excited to tell you something."

"Okay. I'll go to her now. Come on guys."

Megan and her team went outside. As they went behind the lab building, the CALR 'Brothers' ran right past them. The Ranger paused briefly, only to see Yumi and Keoni chase after them. Those four nincompoops must have been up to something and Drake dealt with them. All the same, they went to the back to find Lillie kneeling next to an injured jolteon and the Dragon Master was standing nearby, keeping an eye out, just in case. Mirliee was beside him, as usual for the Dusknoir.

"Uncle Drake, Lillie, what happened with those four?" Megan asked as she came over.
"Ah, you saw them then. They were chasing this jolteon and he ran in here as Lillie and I were talking. She actually reacted faster than I did, having Pāpana throw up a Protect over him as he collapsed. Kā'kala used Slash to get a Salandit one of those grunts had off. I stepped in then, having Mirliee ward them away from Lillie with Earthquake. Then called out Keoni, Yumi and Typhoon to help with them. Took them out pretty quick, and told them who I was, threatening to kick their butts with Yumi's Mega. I sent her and Keoni after them to make sure they went away. Now you're here."

"Well, guess I missed the battle. Oh well. I kicked their butts already."

"As usual for you."

"Oh, Megan, you're back." Lillie said. The Ranger came over to her.

"You alright, Lillie? I know that was a pretty crazy situation."

"I was fine. I... I just saw that this jolteon was in trouble and I... I just wanted to help."

She was still next to the jolteon and was caring for his wounds. He only flinched at the sting of the mediance, but let Lillie touch him. Once he was healed, he nuzzled her chest, purring.

"Oh, well... you're welcome. Wait... you're not found in the wild here. A... and you're too sweet to ever have been. Were you abandoned?"

"I was. My... my trainer didn't want me to change, but accidently left a Thunder Stone uncovered in her bag and put me in it. I evolved, and she got rid of me, calling me a useless eeveelution." The Jolteon explained with a nod.

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