Every wonder begins small

Start from the beginning

"You are doing it again, Shawn." I mumble. "Did I married a stalker?." I joke and pop myself up on my elbows.

"I don't know what it is but I cannot stop looking at you. You are mesmerizing to me."

I have to admit, something has changed between us ever since we got married. It is a deep connection that I cannot even describe. I thought that I loved him before but now that we are married, I just... its overwhelming.

"You feel it too, don't you?." I first thought that it was only me.

"Yes... I don't know what is going on. This feeling is so strong."- he crawls over to me. "I cannot even describe it."

"I know what you mean." I play with the wedding band around his finger.

"Do you think that it is because of the baby, that we are feeling this way?."

"I think so? Well, becoming parents is a powerful thing." Well, that is how they describe it in books. "It's normal for a couple to become closer when they are expecting a baby together."

"But Brian and Anna aren't like that at all."

I chuckle and shake my head. "No, but doesn't mean they don't like each other. It is just, that they are too much alike, I guess."

"And we are not?."

"No, I don't think so. We have a lot of common interests but our characters are like completely different from each other. You are the relaxed one and you the careering one in the relationship..."-

"You are caring as well."

"I know but not as much as you are. I am more cold than you are."

"You are not cold."

"No, I know. I don't really know how to explain."

"I know what you mean. You are the more dominant one in our relationship. Well, except for in the bedroom, of course."

I roll my eyes at him, although I know that he is right. "Maybe but it's not like I am making all our decisions, right? If you think so, you should say. That is the last thing I want to do."

"No baby, that is not how I meant it."- thank God. "But there are some things we need to discuss."

"Like what?."

"Well, for starters. When do you want to tell the world about little bean?."- he says and lay his hand on my now round, small bump. The last week, I swear my belly has doubled in size. "I don't know how much longer you can hide it underneath sweaters and for your work."

"It's getting big, doesn't it?." I stare down at my bump as Shawn caress it lovingly.

"Not really but it is getting to a point that we do have to make a decision."

I slowly nod in agreement. "What do you think that we should do?."

"We are here for 5 more days.. maybe we should just post a picture online and see what is going to happen. Maybe the buzz has cool down when we get home."

Well, that seems unlikely to me but if he thinks that we need to stop hiding it, maybe that is what we need to do.

"You grab the camera?."

"Are you sure that I look good?." I was convinced that posting a picture of me and my small baby bump was the best idea to do, but now that I see my own reflection in the window, I am not sure anymore.

"Baby, you look like a dream."

"Do this pants not make me look like I am 600lbs?."

"No, I don't think so." He says as he continues to shoot pictures.

After posing for the camera for another 5 minutes, I had enough. "Okay, let me see."

He hands me his phone and I gasp as I see the pictures. "I look like a whale. I didn't knew my ass had grew so big as well." I swear, if you say the kid is in my ass instead of my belly, you are going to believe it as well.

"I like your ass." He shrugs his shoulders.

"There is no way I am going to wear this pants." I mutters as I use Shawn as support and pull the wide, white pants down.

"There is no way you are going to poss in this."

"Why not? Do I look ugly? Fat?."

"No, but you in this is for my eyes only. I am not going to share my wife with the whole world." He says sassy and hand me the pants back.

"Shawn..."- he is kidding me right?

"Absolutely not. You can pick a photo from the ones I just take." He says and walk back into the house.

My husband is so possessive...

"Shouldn't we first tell Scott and Andrew about this?." After hours and hours of debating if we are going to post the photo of me on our channels, and another hour of deciding which photo we are going to post, we finally agreed. We are going to do it. Our child isn't a mistake and we are proud to welcome him or her in a couple of months. We want to talk about it whenever we feel like it and enjoy this time to the fullest, and that is not possible if we constantly have to look over our shoulders.

"When you picked out the photo, I already texted Andrew and Scott. They know."

"What did they say?."

"Andrew didn't say much, which is good and Scott made it look like he was about to have a panic attack."

"Which he probably is having." Scott can be a little dramatic sometimes.

"Yeah, 100%." We both laugh and nod our head.

"Are you sure? If you are not comfortable..."-

"Babe, I am fine. People have to get used to me looking like a whale anyway.."

"I am not even going to comment on that."

"Yeah, yeah." I mumble and open my Instagram application. I click on new photo and select the photo we both are going to post.

"What caption are you going to use?."

"I saw this somewhere." I show him the text.

"O I like that." He says and type the exact same text underneath his post.




And our life's are never going to be the same anymore. The word is out.

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