I tried moving my hands or feet but they were tightly bound and I couldn't open my mouth.... Or....

I glared towards the surface and blasted fire from my mouth but it didn't even dent the surface because of the spell affecting me and now I was out of breath.

I tried holding it but my lungs burned and I ended up opening my mouth.

And felt myself slowly slipping away.

I looked around a pitch black room, I saw myself and felt ground under my feet but it was complete darkness around me.

"You are lost."

I whipped around and saw nothing but a pair of red dragon eyes moving around, circling me but never seeing a body to it but it was as if I already knew how it looked outside of the veil of darkness.

"You are not supposed to die today." The snarl full of anger echoed through the place.

I tried to speak but bubbles of air floated out of my mouth tho I didn't feel like drowning and suddenly I felt like I was floating but this pair of eyes continued rounding me.

"You cannot die."

I looked at it head of as the eyes stopped moving to stare at me.

"You have a prophecy to fulfill"

I tilted my head.

"The darkness growing can just be fought back on silver back and purple gaze."

I was slightly confused.

"This is too soon for us to meet yet human."

I listened quietly as I had no way of speaking.

"The choice is up to you, you stay here and die."

I suddenly felt the suffocating pain of drowning.

"Or you go out there and fight!!" The roar echoed as I screamed out more bubbles of air, grabbing my chest.

"Will you fight?!" I nodded despite the pain, I always intended to, I need to save Audrey, I can't let them hurt her.

"Then I lend you some of my strength human."

I nodded in tears.

A silver scaled paw reached through the darkness as the creature I could only imagine too up form.

A silver scaled paw reached through the darkness as the creature I could only imagine too up form

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A freaking silver dragon.

"Take my paw human and fight for what you were born for!!" It roared and I lunged forwards, gripping it tightly, a silver light blinding me.

I snapped my eyes open and looked at the surface, letting out a burst of extremely volatile magic that blazed alive a silver white.

"H-how?" The man who talked to me whispered in fear as the while lake had gone up in flames and the water was but simple mist.

I nonchalantly put my hand to my mouth and pulled it away, the water in my lung following it.

I looked at my skin and froze for a second, mesmerized by the sight.

The power that dragon lent me turned my skin silver with silver flame dancing across it, wait no, when I look really close it is really small scales.

"M-monster!" I glare up at him and with a yell snapped my restraints on my feet and with another snapped the rope and chain on my arms before sprinting up the almost sheer wall of the lake and jumping like eight feet in the air.

"Take this!!" I yelled, spinning on myself, silver flames flying off my hands and burning through their magic barriers like paper.

I landed in a crouch.

I snapped my head up in anger, power flowing through my vines and escaping through my skin to form the silver flames on my skin.

I saw Audrey unconscious on the ground, my flames on her skin but leaving it untouched as I didn't want her harm but it only pissed me off more.

"I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!!" I bellowed, a roar in the back of my throat as I flung myself forwards, hands flexed like if they were claws as I grabbed the throat of one of the four caped men, in a flash, burning away his throat.

The body fell over and the head had time to open its mouth in a silenced fearful scream before the light faded from its eyes.

My eyes snapped to the others who took of running, predatory instincts exist in all beings and mine kicked in at that point.

I crouched down and launched myself in the air, landing in front of them and tackling two, their necks meeting my inner elbows as they hooked around them and crossed my arms to grab the head of the man opposite to my hand so the left on was grabbed by my right and same the other way.

I skidded to a stop and yanked on my arms to snap their neck.

I turned to the last and launched at him but he had already swallowed something I could smell was poison and a fast acting one and incurable, even the soul sucker was curable but not this one, this was made from the roots of the soul sucker plants and was poisonous no matter what you did to it.

I knew I couldn't question him as the life already was fading from him so I just wrapped my hands around his throat and squeezed.

He still fought as he died and I dropped his body.

I walked to Audrey and saw the flames had faded away as my skin turned back to normal and my feet buckled underneath me and I collapsed before realizing what was happening.

I weakly reached up and tried grabbing her hand, my fingers only brushed hers as I passed out.

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