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{3rd POV}

Tsuna narrowed his eyes as he heard the word Master, and saw the television behind Shigaraki.

"Master?" Bakugou questioned "You're not the boss around here, That's not funny!" He continued.

"Katsuki" Tsuna spoke as he look at Bakugou.

"Kurogiri, Compress, make them go to sleep again" Shigaraki ordered as Mr. Compress sigh "I can't believe you two are bad listeners" He said as he slowly walk to them "I'm almost impressed"

Tsuna glared at him and growled a little slowing Mr. Compress down as he stared at Tsuna.

"If you want us to listen to you, then go to your knees and die!" Bakugou said.

Mr. Compress continued to walk towards them as Tsuna glared at him more his eyes changed into Sunset-Orange and has slits and his sharp teeth showed up again making Mr. Compress stop "Take another step and I freeze you from head to toe" He said darkly not caring anymore.

Then suddenly a knock echoed "Hello, this is Pizza-La,Camino Store" a voice said.

Tsuna's eyes and teeth turn back to normal as he held a shock look on his face.

*CRASH!!* *BOOM!!*

The wall behind Spinner broke by All Might's punch "SMASH!!"

"What the---"

"Kurogiri, Gate!!" Shigaraki shouted  as Kurogiri start to use his Quirk.

"Pre-emptive Binding" Kamui said as his Quirk tied the Villains up "Lacquered Chain Prison!"

"A tree? What the heck?" Dabi said as he start Lighting up his flames when Gran Torino suddenly kick him on the face "Don't be impatient"

Tsuna with Bakugou behind him stared at the scene Infront of them with a dumbfounded and shock look on their face.

"When one is on the offensive is when one neglects the defence most" Edgeshot said as the two Students jump in surprise.

'What the actual f---'

"We're not only the one here as he opened the door revealing many police that were holding guns.

"Looks like they are concerned Hibari" Yamamoto said cheerfully as they watch the scene on the top of a building "Hn (So noisy)" it was the only reply of Hibari.

"I'm sure you two are scared" All Might said "You did good bearing it, I'm Sorry" As Bakugou and Tsuna start to twitch "It's fine now, young man!"

"We're not scared/ I-I'm not scared!!!" Tsuna answered with a sigh and Bakugou shout his "Not even close, damn it!!" As All Might just thumbs up on him.

"Kurogiri, bring as many as you can!!!" Shouted Shigaraki.

{On Midoriya}

Gokudera and Lambo visible twitch in both surprise as a certain huge lady raising her legs with a car on her foot and slammed it to the place where Nomu is placed.

"What the Fvck?!"

"What a Huge Woman!!!"

{On the Villains}

"What's the matter Kurogiri?!"

"I'm sorry Shigaraki Tomura, the Nomu that were supposed to be there, wasn't..." Kurogiri said.

"Huh?" Shigaraki uttered.

"You are still green, Shigaraki!" All Might said as he hold Bakugou and Tsuna "League of Villains, you underestimated Everything too much--" He said.

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