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"Hi." i smiled, opening the door and revealing two boys, who were in fact, my step brothers.

"come in." i added.

i moved to the side and they walked in admiring the house. i wasn't sure why, since theirs was apparently a lot larger ?

"Um, i'm payton. and this is my best friend ethan." i smiled.

"i'm james and this is my brother jack." The shorter, slightly chubbier one said.

"well it's good to finally meet you." i giggled.

"well my rooms this way." i smiled, leading them to the room.

the boys carried out the furniture as i sent a quick text message.

payton- sorry for the late text :/ i'm moving into my fathers house tonight, not tomorrow.

luke- no worries, text me when you're finished or whenever you want 🖤

payton- okay thank you 🖤 see you in the morning :)

"Alright." i spoke to myself picking up a couple boxes, that i had stacked on top of each other and bringing them to my car.

"sometimes life gets fucked up..." i mumbled as the lyrics to lil peeps song ran through my head, making Jack stop next to me, mumbling,

"that's why we get fucked up." with a small smile at the end.

"i can tell we are gonna get along great." i grinned to myself, continuing my walk to my car.

once the boys got all of my furniture loaded into their trucks, and the boxes into my car as well as a few things like my love sac, and tv, etc.

ethan and i got into my car and followed them for about 15 minutes, until we reached the house.

"Woah." i said, as my jaw dropped. the house was stunning, it was damn near twice the size of my last house.

"well let's get ya settled in sis." james chuckled.

"yesss." i laughed, grabbing a few boxes from my car, as ethan helped unload the furniture.

"Payton." my dad smiled from the doorway, as i set my boxes on the ground.

"Hi dad." i smiled back, before he pulled me into a long hug.

"i've missed you." he breathed out.

"i missed you too." i said, letting go of the hug.

"Oh dad, this is my best mate. Ethan Payne." i smiled.

"Nice to meet you sir, thank you so much for allowing me to stay here for the night." Ethan smiled, extending his arm out for a handshake.

geez when did he get so posh.

"of course." my father grinned.

"well let's get you settled in." my father smiled, walking over to the boys trucks.

After unloading all of my items, and putting them into my bedroom, Ethan, my brothers and I set everything up. It took around three hours, and by the end of it we were dead tired.

"So let's get to know each other." I laughed, as we all sat in the four bean bags I placed near the corner of my room.

"I'm down." Jack smiled.

"Truth or dare?" James asked.

"DARE." I yelled, letting out a small laugh.

"I dare you to tell me your biggest secret." He smirked.

"Uh," i said tugging at my sleeves. I knew the answer. But I didn't wanna say it.

"Uh, I was suicidal for a long time?" I said, well asked I guess.

Ethan placed his hand on my thigh, as a way of comfort, which actually helped.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear.


"How did you get through it?" Jack asked, adding,

"I've been struggling for a long time now."

"Um well I haven't fully gotten over it, I'm just trying to find things to live for at this point. Like this dummy." I smiled looking up at ethan.

"And I guess my new family now." I breathed out.

"Well. We'll always be here for you payton. We both have been through- and are still kind of going through what you are." James said.

"I'll always be here for you two as well. I'm here to answer any question or help as much as I can. Remember I'm just a door away." I smiled.

I looked over at ethan and saw him staring at me, i tried getting his attention, but he was drawn to "dreamland" as we call it.

i giggled before placed my hand on his thigh. he slightly shook his head, refocusing on reality, and placing his hand on top of mine, before smiling sweetly.

"i love you." i smiled.

"i love you more." he chuckled, grazing his thumb on the top of my head.

"are you two dating? i won't tell dad." James laughed.

"no." we both said in unison.

i sat there drifting into my own version of dreamland, as the boys talked amongst themselves. different lyrics to all kinds of songs were flowing through my mind.

"Dear God, There's a lot of questions that I have about the past. And I don't want hear it from a human you made. So you're the last person that I'm ever gonna ask. Tell me what's real, tell me what's fake Why is everything about you a debate? What's the point of love? Every time I've showed it I was broken and it's forced me just to only wanna hate."

"I can taste it on my tongue, I can tell that something's wrong but I guess it's just my life and I can take it if I wanna. But I cannot hide in hills of California, Because these hills have eyes, and I got paranoia. I hurt myself sometimes, is that too scary for you?"

"I battle with depression, but the question still remains Is this post-traumatic stressin' or am I suppressing rage? And my doctor tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase. Yeah, it's not a fucking phase, I just wanna feel okay, okay Yeah, I struggle with this bullshit everyday. And it's probably 'cause my demons simultaneously rage. It obliterates me, disintegrates me, annihilates me, Cause I'm about to break down, searching for a way out. I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer
I'm a popular, popular monster"

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