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"Lunch time bitches." i said grabbing my bookbag as fifth period just ended.

"wanna sir with us for lunch?" simon asked me.

"no." i heard harry mumble.

"nahhh i always come up here and sit with Mac and watch disney movies." i smiled.

"can we come?" JJ asked.

"i'll ask mac real quick and if he says yeah then of course." i smiled, walking across the hall to Macs room.

"yooooo." i said walking in.

"what's up with my favorite student?" he asked as i took a seat next to him.

"Not much." i smiled adding,

"i'm having one of the best days i've had in a really long time, it's surprising."

"it shouldn't be surprising." he said.

"if you expect it, it's bound to happen. but i'm really glad today's been good." he added on.

"yeah wanna know why?" i giggled.

"i thought you'd never ask." he laughed.

"i met JJ and all of them. we're getting along pretty well. they make me laugh like a lot." i smiled.

"even harry?" he asked.

"no. he won't warm up to me." i said, shaking my head.

"i'm sure he will soon." he smiled.

"Now how's the anxiety been?" he asked.

"not that great. i haven't gotten more than four hours of sleep total this week." i shook my head.

"Any attacks?" he sighed.

"last night." i answered.

"what triggered it?"

"my mom like always." i frowned.

"how bad was it?" he said quietly.

"worst one in four years." i said adding,

"i couldn't breathe. not that i usually can during them but this was bad. i could feel my chest tightening with each breath. and then my entire body started shaking. i was laying in bed, going nuts and i couldn't stop it. i tried texting Alex but he never answered. well it was two in the morning. but my grandma ended up walking in and helped talk me through it." i said.

"i'm so sorry." he said.

"you know how mine are. i haven't had one since last week when you were helping me with that powerpoint presentation." he said.

"yeah that one was bad." i sighed.

"but you were there for me, and you know i'm always gonna be here for you." he smiled, which made me smile.

after a few more seconds of small talk i remembered why i was in here.

"can JJ, simon and all of them join our lil movie date?" i laughed.

"yes but don't call it a date, i like my job, and certainly would love to keep it." he laughed.

"agreed." i smiled going to get the boys.
the classes are literally like ten feet apart so it didn't take long.

"he said y'all can come." i smiled, as they walked back with me.

"what took so long?" ethan asked.

"we had to have a talk." i laughed.

"oh damn." josh said.


our school has an hour and 45 minute lunches so we always order pizza or subs. Mac and i usually split the cost of course.

however, today we all chipped in, which came out to like £5 each person since we got two larges.

we ended up moving all the desks to the sides of the classroom and getting out the bean bags Mac keeps in his storage closet, and putting them in the middle. we decided on watching the live action lion king after we turned the lights off and closed the blinds.

"So you lot do this everyday?" tobi laughed, biting his pizza.

"basically." Mac and I answered at the same time.

"Are you both like, best friends?" Vik laughed.

"Yes but also like accountability buddies." i giggled, taking a bite of my extra cheese pizza.

"Which is..?" harry asked.

"we hold each other responsible for shit." i said, as they looked shocked i was cursing in front of a teacher.

"you guys are allowed when no one else is around." Mac laughed, referring to their shocked expressions. well everyone but JJ since he knows they allow me to.

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