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"were going to the beach." i said, informing harry.

"cool. that's where we had our first date." he smiled.

"no need to bring up old memories." i smiled back.

"gimmie your phone." JJ said.

"here." i reached in the back of my pocket and handed it to him.

he put his thumb on the home screen and once it detected his finger print, it opened.

"you never let me put my finger print in your phone?" harry frowned.

"jj's my best friend. he was the first person to reach out to me before any of you. he knows a lot more than anybody on this planet."

"i'm a bit offended." simon chuckled.

"don't be." i smiled.

he connected my phone to his airpods, before handing me one. he was currently going through my photos.

"why don't you ever post any of these? it'd help a lot of people going through what you are." JJ asked, looking at older videos of when i used to rap.

"i dunno, i've always been scared?" i asked.

"Well, no need to anymore." he smiled.

"why?" i chuckled.

"i posted my favorite one."

"WHAT?" i yelled.

"It'll be fine. Thank me when you're famous babygirl." he smirked.

"whatever." i giggled, adding,

"text caitlin and tell her where we are incase she wants to come."

"what if she brings them?" ethan piped up.

"there's no way they're even in her house right now." i laughed.

"i'll just FaceTime her." JJ said, as i pulled into the car park.

"Hello?" she spoke through the phone.

"hey are they still there?" i asked, as JJ kept making dumb faces into the phone, making her giggle.

"Hell no." she laughed.

"We just got to the beach. And we wanted to know if you wanna like come and meet us here?" JJ asked.

"Of course. I'm on my way." She chuckled.

"Oh shit, pack a bag cos you're staying the night at my house." i giggled.

"BET." she yelled.


"payton can you come over here real quick?" jj asked, holding my hand, and pulling me to the side.

"how's it been?"

"what?" i asked.

"don't play stupid." he replied.

"not good." i answered honestly.

"you're still doing it?"

"yes." i frowned, taking a seat in the sand.

"nobody's questioned you, except me have they?" he said. i could tell thoughts were spinning around in his head.

"no." i said, as a tear slipped from my eye, which J was quick to wipe.

"nobody's fucking questioned you wearing long sleeves, hoodies, and jeans in literal ninety eight degree fucking weather?" he yelled, which made everyone look over the second he started speaking.

"JJ!" i yelled back.

"Well now everybody's gonna know." i said, starting to cry. i wasn't prepared for everyone to know. i was trying to get through this, and i didn't need all of my friends knowing.

"payton i-" he started.

"stop you'll make it worse." i sighed as more tears fell from my eyes.

"i'm going on a walk." i said wiping my eyes, and running off to the sidewalk.

i continued walking until i reached the pier.

Of course there had to be someone there. That's just my luck.

i took a seat on the other side anyways. i let my feet dangle off the edge as i stared at the water, rippling as the wind hit it.

"hey. you go to my school right?" the boy spoke up. he also sounded like he'd been crying.

"um yeah." i spoke as my voice broke.

"you seem like you haven't had a good day either?" he said quietly, as we scooted closer to each other eventually meeting in the middle.

"more like life." i replied.

"yeah, same here."

he was also wearing a heavy hoodie. it was currently 85° out.

me being me, i gently grabbed his arm and pulled his sleeve up, as he tried to stop me.

"hey it's okay. i'm not gonna judge you." i said quietly, pulling my own sleeve up as well.

"i guess i'm not the only dimwit around here." i said, making him chuckle as we pulled our sleeves back down.

"i'm Luke." he smiled.

"i'm payton." i smiled back.

"So, what made you start doing it?" he asked, as i leaned my head on his shoulder.

even though we just met i felt like we had this connection, he made me feel like less of a freak and like i wasn't alone.

"a lot. how much time do you have?" i giggled.

"all the time in the world." he chuckled.

"alright so i did it because i just let a lot of shit build up in my life. my dad left when i turned thirteen and pretty much called me worthless and a mistake, then my best friend at the time cut me off, i got diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, and my mom stopped coming home so i saw her once a month if that, then i got so depressed i cut everyone off and that's when Mr.Mac became my best friend. and yeah. i started cutting myself almost a year ago now." i frowned, starting to cry again, as luke pulled me into a hug.

"what made you start doing it." i sighed, wiping my face, once we pulled out of the hug.

"my mom left when i was young. my dad actually hates me, he's never home, and i've cut all my friends off. the only thing i have left that i enjoy is being on the football team and i can't even do that anymore because of these fucking scars and cuts on my arm." he said, beginning to cry as we stood up and i pulled him in for another hug.

"Look i know we just met but i'm always gonna be here for you." i said, my voice shaky as i was crying too.

"we're gonna get through this together. i promise." i cried, resting his forehead against mine.

"you have no clue how much this means to me payton." he cried, as his grip around my waist tightened.

"i know. i'm so happy we just met. i feel like i'm not alone and someone understands me." i smiled as we pulled away.

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