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"so hows the friendship going?" Mac asked referring to harry and i.

"fucking great." harry said.

"he doesn't like me." i laughed.

"and why do you think that?" Mac asked.

"Uhhhh. cause i'm a teachers pet according to him." i said laughing a bit more.

"you're not a teachers pet." he replied causing us all to laugh.

"funny." i smiled.

"i almost choked on my pizza." ethan laughed.

"Oi fuck you." i laughed.

"Ok fine maybe you are a teachers pet." Mr.Mac smiled.

"fam. look around at the shit you two do together. you can tell she's your favorite. and i don't blame you, she is literally the sweetest, funniest, bitchiest, but legit the absolute best person anyone could ever meet." JJ said, adding,

"and i'm glad i did." before smiling.

"stop i don't like feelings." i smiled, pretty much rolling over to him and giving him the biggest hug ever.

"you two seem like you like each other. like a lot." Josh said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nooooo." JJ and i said at the same time before laughing.

"I know your energy Wilson." Mac said raising an eyebrow.

"yes you do." i simply, smiled.

"which means confess your feelings." he smirked.

"shut up i don't have feelings." i laughed.

"look wilson, i know you. and i know you like someone in this room but i'm not sure who. you have this little spark in your eyes that's never been there before." he said, looking me in my eyes.

my heart began to pound.

i knew who he was talking about and so did he. there was no "i'm not sure who." he's called me out on it before. and i confessed it to him.

he knows i like harry.

for fucks sake i had a crush the kid in sixth grade that didn't really 'disappear' until eighth grade.

and it may or may not have reblossomed at the beginning of the year, which i of course, told Mr. Mac.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink from the vending machine." i said trying to calm my anxiety.

i walked over to the door before Mac met me there.

"is it your anxiety?" he whispered.

"Mhm." i nodded.

"it'll be okay. you know it will." he said holding out his arms.

without hesitation i accepted the hug since i really really needed it.

"do you want a coke or anything?" i asked.

"water." he smiled, going back to his seat.

he's trying out this new boot camp diet thing.

oh yeah. his second job is at this crossfit place down the road. so he's literally giant, muscle wise. he's got a tattoo sleeve going down his entire right arm. when we were talking a few years back he told me that his favorite one is the koi fish on his bicep, which represents his grandfather. he had a huge impact on his life.

harry came jogging after me, even though i was still in the building.

"thought you could use some company." he smiled.

"yeah." i smiled back.

here comes the fucking anxiety cloud that tends to follow me around.

"so tell me your story." he said as we walked down the stairs.

"what?" i asked a bit shocked.

"tell me your story." he said, before elaborating,

"i wanna know why you're a teachers pet. i wanna know why you and Mac are so close. i wanna know your full name. i wanna know your favorite color. i wanna know why you mess with your bracelet when you're nervous." he said, making me smile softly.

"this is gonna be a long story." i giggled.

"and i'm here to listen." he answered.

"how about we talk later. after school once we finish a test or two?" i asked.

"fine." he smiled.

"at least tell me one story now?" he asked.

"yeah fine." i smiled.

"mac and i are so close because he helps me with my anxiety. he helps me cope with my fucked up life." i said, laughing lightly.

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