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This completely ignores the last two books, but, ah, tis only a one shot, right?


"Why are you doing this again, Dray?" Pansy Parkinson asked. Draco held a bottle, which apparently he had payed a brave little Ravenclaw to steal for him out of Snape's supply closet. 

"Because, Pansy, wouldn't it be hilarious to see the Golden Boy Gryffindor lusting over a Slytherin?" Draco asked, chin in the air as he seamlessly told his lie. Draco knew on the inside that he had the bottle of Amortentia because he desired Harry Potter, and desired to see one Harry Potter desiring him. Lots of desire, either way.

"Well, yes, but isn't this a bit...much? You'll have the whole school lusting after you!"

"And since when didn't I?" A smirk curling his features, Draco sniffed the bottle absentmindedly. Water lilies, pine trees and vanilla. The scent of Harry Potter. It was completely and utterly girly in Draco's opinion, but no matter.

Draco walked back into his person room, one only Head Boys and Girls were allowed to have. The pink bottle was clutched tightly in his hand, afraid he'd drop it.

He sat on his bed, and sniffed the bottle again. A serene smile came to his face. Really, Amortentia was a dangerous potion, but he was just going to use it as a cologne. He wasn't actually going to slip it into Potters pumpkin juice.

Amortentia, Draco recalled, the worlds most powerful "love" potion. When sniffed, the sniffer can smell their deepest desires. It was totally worth the gallons he had paid the Ravenclaw.


Head raised high, smirk full blown, swagger in full swing, Draco Malfoy pranced to the Great Hall. He walked through the doors, and immediately felt hundreds of eyes on him. He wasn't the least bit unnerved. He walked past the Gryffindor table on his way, almost giddy when he noticed the Golden Trio sitting at the end. He trained his eyes on Potter as he passed, but was disappointed when no reaction came. If he hadn't been so focused on Harry, he would have seen Granger's and Weasley's, along with many other heads raise in interest, eyes locking on the blond haired Slytherin.

Draco's mood dimmed considerably, but it was soon brought back into spirits when he realized he probably just hadn't been in close enough proximity to Potter.

Lunch was almost over when he spotted his chance. Potter had gotten up, alone, and had started walking to the doors. This was a very big deal, as it was very, very odd to see Harry without the others of his group. A look at where he had been previously sitting, though, revealed his reason for leave. Ron and Hermione sat, seemingly trying to suck each others faces off.

But, Draco wasn't looking there at the moment, instead, he had his eyes trained on Harry. He shot out the doors after the Gryffindor. It only took a corridor of running to catch up with him.

"Potter," Malfoy sneered, fake disgust lacing his voice.

"Malfoy," Potter said, his voice equally as spiteful. Not deterred, Draco made sure to get close to the Gryffindor, so that the smell would hit him.

"Like the smell of my new cologne, Potter? I bought it because the witches seem to find me delicious with it. Not that they didn't already, before. Go on, Potter, take a wiff. What do you smell?" Draco, knowing the shot was cheep, but a possible way to make this happen, hoped for the best crossing his fingers. Mentally, of course.

For, show, probably, Potter leaned in, and took a big sniff. Draco almost jumped with glee. That was, until, Potter only raised an eyebrow.

"You smell the same as always, Malfoy. Must be a rip off," Potter shrugged.

"What do you smell, exactly?" Draco asked, voice almost strained.

Potters eyebrows scrunched in thought, before he leaned in to take another wif.

", those are my favorite ice cream, and a musky sort of smell, like the woods. Oh, I love the woods," Harry rambled for a moment, before he seemed to regain his senses. He blushed, and abruptly turned and stalked off.

Draco was left spluttering, his mind left to desperately connect the pieces of the puzzle.


Draco shot up in beg. The nagging feeling in his head had finally left, and with it's absence came a brilliant realization.

Potter wants me. That's why the potion wasn't effecting him! He wants me, so he smelled his deepest desires, me! Draco almost crowed in delight. He had never thought his crush would be returned!

Draco stumbled out of bed, and began to quickly make his way to the Gryffindor dorms. He was head boy, after all. He knew all the passwords.

It took him ages to reach the Gryffindor common room. He had run into Filch once, and Ms. Norris twice, and Peeves as well. Halfway through the trip he started debating with himself if it was even worth it, but rethinking the reason he was venturing into unknown territory he decided it was worth it.

With a whispered password he was in the Gryffindor common room. He sneered. He just wasn't favorable of the colors, and there was an overload of them. He crept up the stairs, slowly, quietly, quickly locating the sixth years boys dorms.

Once inside the room, he let out a breath. Now, he just had to find the right bed. He gently moved the curtains, peeking through them. He blanched, upon seeing Finnigan in the nude, and quickly moved on. The third bed out of five that he checked housed the black haired boy, thankfully. 

Smirking, he pulled the curtain back fully, climbed into the bed carefully, and closed it again, placing a silencing charm around the bed so as not to alert the others. 

"Haaaarrryyyy," He sang, his voice naught but a whisper, despite the charm. 

The boy under him stirred, but didn't awake. Draco smirked, once again, dipping his head to nip at the black haired  boys neck.

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