Drarry's Room. Do Not Enter Or Be Scarred for Life.

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Revised: 8/2021
Tags/Warnings: Creature inheritance, veela, mates, kissing, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy
Summary: Being a new veela is very difficult, especially when your mate happens to waltz into your house because they blew up theirs.


Draco Malfoy draped himself across his bed, laying on his stomach. Massive, but extremely soft white wings spread out on either side of him, dipping over the edges of the large mattress. He had been utterly exhausted since his birthday on June fifth, in which the annoying appendages had sprung out of his back. Other things had happened to him, such as what had felt like his bones stretching as he abruptly grew a few inches. He hadn't been able to do anything but wail in pain and agony the first few days after the veela transformation. The last week he had been improving rapidly, but now an annoying itchy feeling was constant in his chest. His father, who had done through the same thing decades before, had warned him of this. His body was trying to call out to his mate, but Draco wasn't in a state to look for them yet.

His mother walked into his room while he rested in a half daze. Her light knock on the door woke him fully. "Draco?"

She was behind him. Though he wanted to continue to lay, at this point in his recovery his mother would want him to look at her while the spoke. He was well enough for that. He sat up gingerly, swinging his legs over one side of his bed. His mother had taken a seat in his desk chair some feet away, giving him a patient smile. "Yes, Mother?"

"I wanted to tell you myself. Harry Potter will be staying with us as a guest until school begins," she said, pausing to look at him. When Draco just stared at her, she continued. "The night of his birthday he experienced a... similar transition to you. Except, his was not expected, so his home was not properly prepared for the magical out lash. Though his Muggles weren't harmed, he completely destroyed his room and they refuse to house him."

Draco's eyebrows had shot into his hairline. His mother knew that having two wizards coming into their inheritance so close together was a tremendously bad idea. It would only be made worse by the emotions of their dislike for each other. This was a terrible idea, and his Mother knew it. He didn't have to point that out. He worked his jaw for a moment, trying to pinpoint what he wanted to say. His mother didn't tolerate ramblings and incoherency. "Why did you and father decide to do this?"

Narcissa nodded, approving of the question. "The Ministry put out a request for housing for Potter, though I understand Dumbledore was very against it. Lucius was one of the first to see it and acted immediately. He knew it would do nothing but help our standing in the Ministry if we show to have taken care of their Chosen One, even if it was for just a month."

Draco understood that, though he still thought it could end up doing more harm than good. If he and Potter almost killed each other and the Daily Prophet got word of it? Their reputation would never survive. Which meant his parents were confident in his abilities to control himself and Potter.

"This... is going to be difficult," he said, clearing his throat. His mother nodded understandingly. "We don't expect it to go perfectly, but we know you can manage anything, and you would never let us down."

Yeah, no pressure. Draco wanted to rub his temples, but resisted the urge in front of his mother. He needed her confidence, and that meant showing her he could do this and not show weakness.

"When will he arrive?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, actually."

"Tomorrow?!" Draco rose to his feet, pacing the length of his room. He expected to have a bit more time to prepare, but no. His space was going to be invaded in less than a day, and he could do nothing about it.

"You will be fine, Darling. He is being housed in the guest house wing at the end of the hall. He couldn't be farther than you. And since his transformation had happened so suddenly, we expect him to still be rather immobile for some time. No issues should arise for some time."

Draco nodded, one hand absently scratching his chest above his heart, where the itch was. It did nothing, of course. The itch was internal, urging him to go searching for his mate and to go claim them. It was only going to be exacerbated by Potter's presence. His mother gave him a pitying look, and Draco immediately dropped his hand. "I'll be fine, I promise." Narcissa nodded. "I know. Your father and I have the uttermost confidence in you." She hugged him carefully. It was awkward, given the wings. She didn't know how to hold him anymore, but she would figure it out. She was his mother, and silly wings wouldn't stop her from holding him.

She let go, brushing the hair out of his face. "Get some rest, and join us for dinner tonight. Your father will tell you more about Potter's arrival then."

She left, closing the door gently. Draco lay back on his bed, contemplating the next month of his life. He could only hope it would work out well, and him and Potter were able to tolerate each other.

The next day Draco stood appropriately dressed in the foyer of the Malfoy Manor, waiting for his father to return with Potter. His mother had helped him fix his shirt so it could accommodate his wings, which he hadn't learned to 'tuck' back in yet. His father had told him he would learn before school, which Draco could only pray for. If he had to walk through Hogwarts with his wings dragging behind him, he would slaughter the first student who touched them.

But that was a worst case scenario. Draco was trying to focus on best case scenarios for the future, like Potter being too exhausted to do anything but sleep until September first.

He heard the whooshing of the fireplace in the entry room, attached to this one. He adjusted his hair one more time, feeling oddly self-conscious. "You'll be located at the end of the West Wing, the house-elves have prepared the room for you and will take all your belongings there."

Draco heard his fathers voice growing closer. In a moment, his father and- no. That couldn't possibly be Potter.

Next to his father stood a man which Draco would have likened to a sex deity had he ever learned about them. Presently, Draco didn't have the words to compare Potter(?) to anything. Draco hadn't been dwelling on what he thought Potter looked like, but now he realized he had expected the scrawny, scraggly boy he knew. Dull eyes, dull hair, dumb glasses, gangly limbs. Draco could never call this person any of those things. Holy shit.

Potter was taller, all smooth skin and features. Lithe and powerful, strong and utterly delicious. Draco though the structure of his face had changed, giving him bigger lips and making his eyes actually glow. His hair looked soft and perfect for Draco to run his hands through, curling around his ears and over his forehead.

If this was how Potter had been changed by his inheritance, Draco felt like he had been cheated. Sure, he was bigger and had more muscle and power than he had, but Potter's inheritance had changed him beyond expectation.

His father cleared his throat, bringing Draco slamming back to the present moment. He realized his eyebrows had gone up, and he controlled his face with some effort. He could feel the flush creeping up his throat from embarrassment. He had been caught gawking had Potter and his father had been the one to knock him out of it.

Draco cleared his throat, hoping his voice would hold. "Potter," he nodded in a greeting, taking slow steps forward with his hand outstretched. It was proper to greet a houseguest with a handshake or a hug. It had nothing to do with how much Draco wanted to touch Potter's skin. Touch and caress and kiss and lick-

"Malfoy," Potter replied. Merlin, Draco thought, even his voice changed.

Potter's entirety felt like a targeted attack to Draco's hormones and senses.

Potter held his own hand out to shake Draco's, though before their hands touched Draco's new sense of smell caught Potters. Draco stopped in his tracks, entranced. Potter, who hadn't noticed the abrupt change continued and grabbed his hand. Draco's hand tightened around his, not letting go.


Draco tilted his head at Harry, breathing deeply. The scent was absolutely heavenly. Potter's presence was a soothing balm to the itch in his chest. He stared, transfixed at Potter's eyes. Harry raised an eyebrow at him, confused and trying to tug his hand away. Draco only held him tighter, trying to pull Harry closer to himself.

Feeling panicked, Harry continued to resist and looking to Lucius for help. He had been told specifically that Draco wouldn't try to do anything to him. He had been in the Malfoy Manor for less than a minute, and here he was. Lucius met his eyes, giving him an apologetic look as he walked out of the room. Though Harry did not know, Draco had gone through the same thing many years ago, and he wasn't going to keep his son from his mate. If Lucius was right about his own ideas, Potter would have something inside him that would recognize Draco soon enough.

Draco, meanwhile, was staring at Harry like he was dessert. Draco was stronger than him, and with a tug Draco jerked Harry forward. Harry fell into his arms, his lips hitting Draco's neck. Harry's body seized, large leathery black wings shredding his shirt as they ripped out of his back. Harry's body sang, everything inside him yearning and stretching for the man holding him. Before Draco could grab his chin, Harry grabbed Draco's face and kissed him solidly.

Draco purred, feeling his mate in his arms and their lips kissing. He couldn't imagine a better feeling, couldn't comprehend that a better one might exist. He wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and pulled him against a wall, all the time careful not to hurt Harry's wings. Propping his mate against the wall, Draco ran his hands all over Harry's torso under his shirt. He kissed all over his neck and collarbone when air being a necessity. Harry moaned, and Draco dug his fingernails into Harry's back.

Lucius, almost to the door smiled to himself. He placed a few quick protection charms on the furniture and locked the door heavily behind him. Draco knew the charms and would be able to let him and Harry out once he regained his senses. He added a muffling charm as an afterthought. They would be in there for awhile, and Lucius didn't want to hear any of it. He ordered the house-elves to move Potter's luggage into Draco's room, and walked there himself. All the rooms in his house had a plaque to describe them. Most where 'Guest Room,' 'Observatory,' 'Library,' and so on. This one read 'Draco's room.'

Lucius twirled his wand for a moment as he thought. He changed the sign to read 'Draco and Harry's room.' Then, in small lettering, he added 'Do not enter or be scarred for life.' Lucius laughed to himself. His son deserved the small embarrassment after what Lucius had just had to seen. He was happy for his son, but he had no desire to see him claiming his mate.

He went to find Narcissa. She would want to know, and he should also warn her that the two were unlikely to join them for dinner tonight.

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