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^I don't own the picture! 

Edit: Hello! Ok here's a disclaimer- my writing has improved greatly since the first couple chapters, and I stopped writing in first person. It gets better around 'A Morning With The Marauders', but most of the chapters before that are headcannons. 

~Third person POV, the Marauders' first year at Hogwarts~


Remus glanced up from his book to see James, Sirius, and Peter all holding their essays out to him. 

"Can you check them for grammar mistakes?" Sirius asked innocently. 

"Hmmmmmmmm. . . let me see. . . " he said, pretending to think, "no." 

"Why not?" James whined. 

" Yeah, you know the answ- I mean, you can spell really good!" Peter squeaked, cutting of mid-sentence when Sirius and James both glared at him. Remus rolled his eyes at the lot of them. 

"I'm not dumb. I can tell you just want the answers, as Peter here helpfully pointed out. However," all three of them looked up at him hopefully, " there is a book down that shelf over there to help you with grammar. " 

He smiled as they all frowned at him. 

"Chocolate?" Sirius offered, knowing how to bribe him.

Remus narrowed his eyes at him. " How much?" 

Sirius sighed. "We'll buy you a Honeydukes bar. The big one." He hastily added when Remus didn't answer. 

Remus scooped the three parchments off the table. "Deal." he looked the first one over, and raised an eyebrow at the owner. 

"Who knew James Potter wrote in script?" he teased. James winced.

Sirius gasped and snatched the scroll from his hands. He smirked. 

" Here we go. . " James mumbled under his breath. 

"BLACKMAIL!" Sirius sang, grinning at his unintentional pun.

Remus skimmed the next essay in the stack, mildly impressed at how legible the writing was.  

" Wow Sirius, for someone so bad at History of Magic, I'm surprised I can read your handwriting!" 

He scowled. "I only bothered having handwriting you can read because otherwise my mother would have had my head. I did not however, give in to learning script, unlike someone else I happened to consider my friend. " James shot Sirius a glare at the last part. 

"Shut it, at least I didn't give in to learning Latin. " He grabbed his essay from Sirius. 

Sirius cocked his head, beginning to grin. " Hmmm. . . what if I told you I sat there and silently hexed the teacher the entire time? " 

" We get it, you both grew up in obnoxiously pureblood households. " Remus rolled his eyes for the sixth time in ten minutes, looking over Peter's essay. His handwriting was mostly neat, though he could probably write neater if he tried. 

"What about you Remus?" Peter asked, turning away from the now bickering James and Sirius. 

"What about me?" 

"Your handwriting." 

"Oh." Remus grabbed a spare bit of parchment from the table and a quill out from behind his ear. He'd taken to storing it there, as he always found he  needed one when he least expected, and most of the time he  was too lazy to conjure one, like now. Remus summoned a pot of ink from his bag and dipped his quill in it. 

"What should I write?" 

"James is a git with dumb hair." Sirius suggested, ducking the book James flung at him. 

"Take that back!" James whisper yelled, seeing as we were still in the library. Remus levitated the book back onto its shelf to protect it from further harm. 

"James Potter!" he scolded, "respect the books or I will hex you!" 

"Sorry." James said, clearly not sorry. Remus sent a stinging hex at him from under the table, grinning when he flinched. 

He rolled the quill between my fingers, then quickly scrawled, I need a new set of friends, laughing at said friends reactions. 

"Now, I believe I was promised chocolate. . "

Just a side note, they call each other by their first names only because it's their first year, and they haven't come up with their signature nicknames, seeing as it's their first time seeing each other's handwriting. 

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