32. Family Ties

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This chapter is juicy.

Good songs for this chapter.

Don't Fall for monsters - DeathByRomy

His Words - DeathByRomy

Stronger - DeathByRomy

Shadow - DeathByRomy

Trust me

It all fits.

Enjoy Xoxo

Enjoy Xoxo------------------

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-the wicked stays restless

Narrators POV
November 24th
12:00 PM

Silence fills the marble halls of the mansion, every door closed, every blind shut, no light peeking through.

Chase and Abel came back that morning to a rude awakening resulting in the circumstances of the whole house hold being put on lock down, leading in them not being able to fully talk about what happened between the two of them.

They are to stay in their rooms and only come out when told to.

Lucifer even added extra guards to the house to make sure these rules are followed even when he's away.

It has been like this since that morning, Lucifer claimed they must cleanse the house before they have their family over for thanksgiving.

The need for control showing in all of his words, because this meant everyone had to stay in their rooms, considering it's Thanksgiving break and they have no more rehearsals.

This is his way of calming the chaos, shutting them out from each other and from the world, not allowing them to further damage his plan, the plan he has been working towards since the birth of Abel.

The doors are being opened for the first time today and Lucifer is making sure only welcomed guest show up, not the melodramatics.

The kitchen is full of different head chefs Preparing the finest thanksgiving dinner the Cast Family could have ever imagined.

The Table already set as if dining in a five star restaurant.

A Vase with red and black roses in the middle standing tall.

Lucifer told all of his "Children" that they can come out of their rooms once the clock Hits 12:12

Chase in his room impatiently watching the round clock on the wall as he lays in his bed with his back against the wall and arms crossed.

He's already dressed in a silk black tuxedo
With a red silk vest and bow tie.

He dyed his hair in the private bathroom, it's an odd bathroom that has a sink mirror and toilet, but no bath. The bleach chases added to his bar bringing it to an ash shade, he went a little insane being trapped inside the room with his mind in such a hectic time of his life.

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