4. A New Dawn

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Authors note

Good songs for this chapter

Hiiiijack - Sza

Enjoy xoxo

Enjoy xoxo------------------

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-let go of the Recycled

August 20th
9:33 Am

The last two months have been a wild ride with a few trips here and there

I created many new memories with the boy who reminds me of the sun, but sometimes I have to ask if it's all in my imagination.

The sun feels too real, as if I should have been burnt already. The dreams more vivid at night making my head spin in ways they haven't before.

These drugs haven't been in my system since Wednesday yet I still feel so connected to our mother, making my heart grow fond at the thought of the bigger picture and how each puzzle piece connects in one way or another.

I know that somehow some way something big and life changing is going to come and wether it be for the better is up to me and the paths I take.

But knowing that something big is coming I just don't know what to expect and it makes me nervous.

I don't want to lose sight on the bigger picture yet every day the universe keeps tryna distract me from my path; No; Test me.

It's to test my ability and to see how strong my will is.

So the distractions are just that to me, Distractions, and the only distraction I should be at is love with a toe dipped into it, and focus on my main goal.

The sex I've been craving lately is coming from a more spiritual place, I want to experience a spiritual moment with a spiritual person in the most intimate, most spiritual way there possibly is.

At this point it doesn't matter to me who it is just as long as I have that soul connection, just as long as I can feel that touch and feel that warmth and feel the feeling of being wanted and needed even if it's just for one night,
Even if it's just for an experience for both of us, tonight, tonight is the night I get to have that and the feeling makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside I mean, I don't know if I do but I can hear the birds chirp outside my car as I smoke an early morning bowl.

The trees blowing in the wind making my heart swirl with the breeze. I can feel it in my veins, I can feel it in this song, tonight is the night I'm going to just enjoy myself in ways I've been wanting to enjoy myself. It's pulsing through me, it's manifesting.

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