22. Getting Along ?

71 16 3

Authors note

Good songs for this chapter would be

Lavender kiss - The Licks

Lansing - Vinyl Williams

West coast - Lana Del Rey

Enjoy xoxo

- Keep your enemies close

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- Keep your enemies close

Chases Pov

October 13th
6:33 Pm

I twiddle with my thumbs as I sit in the passenger seat of Abel's car.

The Song Lavender Kiss Playing at a moderate level from the radio.

"I never got to thank you for getting me out of riding with Alex" I say lowly

"Echo and I were already in an agreement you would be riding with me down here I don't know why she tried to pull that shit" he says with a sense of anger.

We're just getting off the 14 Freeway and merging onto the 5

"Well still, Thank you Abel" I let out.

I look out the window staring at the distant city.

It goes quiet for awhile

Just the music coming from the radio

And the sound of the road speeding beneath the car.

I don't have to get uncomfortable in these moments because I know we are both just enjoying each others company, and I haven't had much of his company the last week or so.

"How do you feel about our scene so far" he says breaking the silence.

"I think you and I nail it every time but honestly, I feel like-

Echo tries to make us uncomfortable on stage" he lets out quickly finishing my sentence.

"Exactly" I let out with a slight chuckle

"Yeah she can be a bit overbearing"

"A bit" I ask in a sarcastic tone

He lets out a laugh.

I look back out the window.

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