Part 3

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Darshan goes to the airport to pick up Aditi at 10. He comes back to his home by 10:45. He introduces Aditi to Esha and Rajendra uncle. They chat till 11:20. Aditi leaves from his house and Darshan goes to see her off.

Aditi: Your dad and cousin are very sweet!

Darshan: Yeah! I'm planning to tell dad about our decision. I want you to be there!

Aditi: Ok, I will be there with you always! 

Aditi leaves from there after hugging him and he goes back into his house. Jyugal comes to his house five minutes after Aditi leaves and they chat for 10 to 15 minutes. 

RU: We should go to meet Jaimi and Ayesha! 

Esha: Yes, I'm so excited to meet Jaimi as I've already met Ayesha yesterday!

RU: Darshan, I want you to come along with us! Jyugal, why don't you join us?

Jyugal: Sure Uncle! 

They go to Jaimi's house around 11:35. Ayesha lets them in. 


Jaimi and RK reach Jaimi's house at 11. Ayesha lets them in. Jaimi goes to her room while RK goes to the guest room. They freshen up. RK comes out of his room at 11:45 and sees some people sitting in the living room and looks at Ayesha who is sitting with them. 

Ayesha: RK, why are you standing there? Come sit with us! 

RK: Uh... Yeah! 

RK seats with them. He sees a box on the coffee table. 

RK: Ayesha, what's in that box?

Ayesha: Cake!

RK: For what?

Ayesha: Don't tell me you don't remember just like Jaimi!

RK: I don't! I know for sure it's not your birthday or Jaimi's so...

Ayesha: Jaimi conducted her 51st surgery yesterday as a surgeon and 75th as an anesthesiologist.  

RK: That slipped out of mind after that long 8-hour surgery last night! 

Ayesha: I thought about going out with everyone, but Jaimi would never agree for that as we have to go to the hospital and her interviews, so why not just cut a cake and celebrate!

Darshan is just sitting there with Jyugal lost on whatever they all are talking about. 

Ayesha: Let me introduce you to everyone! 

She introduces everyone one by one and them introduces RK to them. Ayesha sees that Jaimi is walking downstairs while talking to someone on the phone. She goes straight towards the door without even looking at the others. She comes back after a minute with a CD. She looks at everyone and quickly hugs Esha. She touches Rajendra uncle's feet and says hi to Jyugal. She is shocked as she sees Darshan there as the flashback from the airport strikes her.  

Jaimi/Darshan: Hi!

Esha: This is my cousin, Darshan! And this is Jyugal bhai, his best friend. 

Jaimi: Okay. I'm so glad that I met you after almost 2 and a half years!

Esha: Me too!

Jaimi: How have you been uncle?

RU: I'm good! What about you and how is Harsh and Sejal? I haven't heard from them in a long time. The last thing I heard was that they had a daughter.

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