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Time P.O.V

I was more than happy to leave the land the trailer park rested on. I may be a little biased, but I've had more than my fair share of magic for the day, and that trailer park is the mother-load of magic. It only makes sense that I want to be as far away as possible from any warlock, witch, whatever they want to be called. My eyes glanced over towards Marcus.

Maybe not all the warlocks.

Even though his magic has hurt me, and he was sort of the reason I was in this mess, he tried to fix it. His solutions, although ineffective, were attempts, which is all that matters. Even though we could have saved so much time if they had just taken me to the hospital in the first place. Guess supernaturals have a different mind-process when it comes to injuries . . . do I count as a supernatural? Even if I do, I wasn't raised like one, I was raised by a handful of people, formerly my birth parents, but none of them were supernatural. And if they were, I wouldn't know. I know my foster parents aren't, but who knows about my parents.

It didn't take them as long to get out of the woods, but when they did, I was left sighing. I didn't know that the warlocks trailer park was on the other side of town. It was on the complete opposite side of the city that the hospital was located. I sighed, knowing that if we walked, it would be an hour at a minimum before we made it anywhere near the hospital. Looking around, I realized where we were, what we were close too.

My house.

Did I want to lead two werewolves and a warlock to the place I sleep at night? No, not really. Was I going to do it anyway? Yes, yes, indeed. Based solely on the location of the sun in the sky, school was over. I reached into my pocket for my phone to check the time before I froze. Where was my phone? I began to shuffle in Grayson's arms, patting each pocket, getting tenser and tenser when I don't find it.

I have lost my phone. I couldn't move, frozen in shock. My foster mother is going to kill me! After begging to get a phone for who knows how long, they ended up getting Gregory, my only older foster brother, a new phone, and gave me his old one. It was fair considering he had wanted a new one for forever, and I was under the age that they gave phones. At the time, I had been twelve; the rule was no phone until you turned thirteen.

I had been lucky to get that phone, and now it was gone. Who knows where I could have lost it. In the woods running from Marcus? Somewhere on the werewolf pack lands? Somewhere near the trailer park? Somewhere near the cave-cliff place? There were too many places for me to check them all. I don't think I had the FindMyDevice turned on either.

"F*ck," I mumbled, wanting to jump down from Puppy's arms and smash my head in on the biggest rock I could find. My curse word seemed to startle and scare those around me, all of which halted in walking to look at me with wide, panicked eyes. Jordan wasn't really panicked, more like surprised, if anything.

"What? What's wrong?" Marcus stepped closer, instantly turning into a mother hen. I sighed, looking down in disappointment. A teenagers life was their phone, and I have just lost my life. I mumbled that I lost my phone, but none of them seemed to understand what I was saying.

"I LOST my PHONE," I snapped. Not having my phone was like any form of an addict getting taken away from their addiction. It doesn't end well. "I'm so going to be killed," I stared ahead of us, knowing that if I was going to die, might as well get it over with.

I wouldn't be able to explain why my phone was missing. Or explain why I ran into the woods in the first place. I couldn't explain any of it without them thinking I was crazy. If I even tried to explain it, I wouldn't be able to explain why I went to certain places or anything.

Based on the facial expression that Puppy made, this clearly didn't seem that significant to him, like losing a phone wasn't that bad. Unlike Grayson, Jordan made an understanding look, even looking sympathetic for a slight second. I tilted my head at her.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked her, making her groan before she pulled her own phone, a newer model with a pink case, out of her pocket.

"4:37," Jordan said before putting her phone back in her pocket. "Look, since I'm clearly not going to get the answer to my mating issue and don't really want to spend the next few hours at a hospital with someone I hate, I'm heading home," Jordan said before turning around, heading back into the woods. It wasn't minutes later when a wolf howl came from the woods. It must not have meant anything because Grayson didn't look worried.

"We can't go to the hospital," I said depressingly, gaining both guys' attention. Marcus blinked at me for a couple of seconds, like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What do you mean we can't go to the hospital? You were the one who suggested it!" Marcus said, slowly getting frustrated. I wanted to smack him. It was only logical that I wanted to go to the hospital, and although I know I'm taking some of his valuable time by changing my mind, I had to save myself from a decade of being grounded.

"We can go to the hospital . . . after we go to my house," I said slowly, before pointing towards the left, directing them to the direction of my house. We had almost made a circle, all the locations being near each other, except the hospital, which would hopefully be the final destination, and no, not the video-game.

"Why do we need to go to your house?" Puppy asked, looking confused by this turn of events. I would be confused if I were him, but they should really get used to it. A lot of my rash decisions didn't make a lot of sense.

"Oh, just to stop by, say hello to the folks, maybe get a drink," I said sarcastically before noticing that Grayson was about to accept that answer as a reality. "To get my parents, of course," I said carefully, almost saying foster parents. I didn't exactly hide that I was in a foster situation, but I didn't shout it for the world to hear. A part of me didn't really want Marcus and Grayson to know about my fostering situation. Sometimes it made people uncomfortable or awkward to be around me; I don't understand why not living with my birth parents made them think I wasn't okay to hear about their families. I honestly think it's because anyone I've told automatically assumed my birth parents were dead.

"Why do you need to get your parents? We can walk you to the hospital," Marcus protested, a thin layer of sweat appearing on his forehead. If his mind wasn't running a million thoughts a minute, I would have tried to decipher what he was thinking. It would only be a waste of time if I tried at the moment.

"Well, for starters, my ankle hurts, and I don't particularly want to wait an hour to get to a hospital for some guy with a master's degree to poke and prod my ankle when it's had more time to swell. Why I want to go home is so my parents don't freak out when I don't show up from school, so I can tell them my ankle is messed up, hopefully, get a bag of ice, and a drive to a hospital," I went on and on. "But mainly, I don't want to get grounded for losing my phone."


"Yeah, so, take a right at the next crosswalk," I mumbled, watching Marcus kick a rock with his foot as we slowly got closer to my house.

And closer to my doom. 

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