"You won't have it, what are you her minder?"

"I'm her girlfriend." Bette said sternly.

Tina looked at Bette, the passion in her voice when she said it. Bette sat herself onto the arm of the chair Tina was sitting in and wrapped her arm around Tina holding her close.

"Girlfriend, you don't do girlfriends you're the love 'em and leave 'em type."

"I've enjoyed a lot of women, I've broken a few hearts I know that, but I was hurting. Not that you need to know. all you need to know is that Tina and I are together, we love each other and I will not let you or anyone else speak to her in the manner in which you are currently speaking to me."

"You know fuck all. You just want her virginity. You want to take it and then leave her, like you do with everyone else." Claire was getting angrier now.

"Why would I do that? Why would I do that to anyone?" Bette asked, she was confused and she wanted to comfort Tina who was still crying.

"I love Tina, I've been waiting for years for her to fucking notice me as something more than a friend and you walk into her life and suddenly she's ready for sexual relationship and its not with me." Claire blurted out.

"You love Tina?"

"I can't help how I feel about her Porter, I means she's sexy, funny, she talented as hell. She would have made an amazing lawyer but instead she choose art and now she's chosen you over me."

"She's your friend."

"I wanted more than that,"

"I'm not sure Tina feels the same," Bette said slowly

"How would you fucking know? How would you, a woman who has just walked into her life less than a month ago know about Tina."

"I know she loves me and I love her," Bette said slowly, looking into Tina's hazel eyes as she spoke.

"She won't give you what you want, just because you say you love her," Claire said,

"What do I want?" Bette asked but before Claire could answer Tina took the phone,

"What does Bette want Claire tell me?" Tina's tears flowed down her face and she found her free arm clinging to Bette.

"Your virginity. She doesn't love you she wants to get into your pants,"

"Claire, I'm not talking about this with you,"

"Why not? Does the truth hurt. She doesn't love you Tina, not like I do. you're my soul mate."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm in love with you, why else would I come to LA with you, why else did I go to law school, why else do I follow you around like a lost fucking puppy,"

"I thought you were my friend."

"I am but I want more than that."

"Claire I'm sorry I don't feel the same about you, I see you as my friend, nothing more I'm sorry."

"Sorry, you're sorry, you've gone to New York with the biggest player on the planet and you're sorry. You're supposed to be mine Tina. you'll regret this, you really fucking will." The line went dead. Tina dropped her phone and cried harder. she couldn't believe that the person she had been friends with all these years really wasn't the person she thought she was.

Bette wrapped her arms around her, holding her close.

"It's okay,"

"It's not B, how didn't I see it. she wanted me and I didn't see it. I just saw my best friend. Now she's drunk and bitter and I'm sorry this has ruined everything,"

"No, it hasn't last night was very special for us both, it's the start of our relationship and sometimes it's going to be hard, and sometimes its going to be fucking amazing. we just have to ride it out. Together." Bette ran her fingers through Tina's hair

"I don't deserve you,"

"Yes you do, I love you Tina, sometimes it's that simple. I want to protect you, love you, be with you, I hope you feel the same."

"Did you sleep with Claire?"

"I don't' remember her," Bette said honestly. "But if she was right it was five years ago. I'm sorry if I did,"

"I don't want you to be sorry, you can't change your past. I just want you to be with me. I'm selfish when it comes to you."

"I'm yours," Bette whispered, she took Tina's face into her hands and kissed her lips softly. As the kiss was become more passionate, Tina's phone bleeped. Tina pulled away and looked at her phone as a picture message loaded and it was from Claire. Tina dropped the phone and almost screamed.

Bette looked confused, she picked up the phone and saw at once what was on the screen, it was Tina's garage, burning. The message read 'From this house of our friendship, Shut the door and light the match, Throw behind you, walk away, you burn it down, you burn it down. These ashes, these ashes, these ashes burn."

"I need to go home, I need to go," Tina was panicking and Bette knew she had to calm her.

"We can do that babe," Bette took her into her arms, she could see the pain in Tina's eyes. her world was going from amazing the night before to hell.

"Bette..." Tina managed before crying. Bette knew she had to get the them home, she picked up her own cell and dialled 911 and reported the crime. Before calling the airline, she got them the next flight out. she knew she had to get them home. she watched as Tina sat looking numb. She didn't know what to say to her, but she wanted to make this better but she knew she couldn't. Right now she had to get Tina home and she had too and would support her.

***The text from Claire are song lyrics from a songby Story of the Year called Burning Years from their album Page Avenue.*** 

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