Breakfast With Friends

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Tina smiled as she picked up Xavier out of his car seat, he was very awake and aware today. He clapped as Bette put his stroller up

"Why do I feel like my son is going to be sarcastic?" Bette muttered.

"Because he is clapping at you while you put his stroller up," Tina laughed she couldn't help it.

"He has your sense of humour." Bette said, as she moved slowly to make sure everything was in place.

Tina put their son into the stroller and grinned.

"What can I say, he has your charm, he will have your way with the ladies too,"

"I'm sure he will be a lady killer," Bette grinned.

They walked together towards the Planet it was the first time they were going to Breakfast in since before Bette's birthday which seemed like a life time ago for them both. They walked into the Planet and Bette could see the girls at their usual table, she smiled when she saw Helena, Dana, Lara, Alice, Shane and Tasha were all sat laughing and joking. Bette and Tina ordered breakfast before walking over to the table,

"Morning ladies," Bette said as she put the stroller next Tina and pulled a chair out for Tina who sat down next to Shane. Bette sat herself down and laughed as her son clapped again.

"Hey Bette, Wow he has grown," Helena said grinning.

"Yeah and he is getting his mothers sense of humour keeps clapping when I do stuff, "Bette rolled her eyes as she spoke.

Tina just grinned and unbuckled her son out of his stroller and sat him onto her knee, giving him his teething ring, he looked around at everyone as the conversations started up.

Shane watched as Tina pay attention to her son as well as looking around, she was lost to the conversations but Bette was laughing and joking again.

Their breakfasts arrived and tina sat feeding Xavier bits of fruit from her plate as well feeding herself.

"You're relaxed," Shane remarked.

Tina smiled at her friend.

"I'm come to terms with a lot of stuff recently. I know I'm never going to keep up with conversations around this table, but I also know my wife needs this time."

"Its nice to have you back," Shane smiled,

"Thanks," Tina laughed as Xavier made a dive for Bette's plate. "Hey buddy," Tina pulled him back gently.

"What's up with him?" Bette asked looking at her son,

"He wants your banana,"

Bette picked up a slice of banana and gave it to her soon who grinned before pushing it into his mouth. Bette shook her head

"Such a gentleman," She commented making Tina grin.

The rest of breakfast was uneventful, it was like days of old as the gang laughed and joked and everything seemed to fall into place. As they were leaving Alice came over to Tina who was settling her and Bette's bill,

"Tina, can I have a word,"

"Sure," Tina said as she signed the card slip she was given.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I know I've been a right jackass, it's taken me find Tasha and settling down to realise I'm an idiot,"

"We all make mistakes." Tina smiled.

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