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Bette pulled the car into the drive and sat for a moment, watching the gates close behind her. She rubbed her forehead. Before taking a deep breath, she picked up her bags and went into the house. She smiled when she saw Tina in the kitchen, soft rock music playing as she moved around the kitchen making their dinner. Bette dropped her bags onto the sofa and removed her jacket. Xavier was sat in his chair near the counter, banging on the tray front of him. Bette walked over and kissed the top of his head smiling when he looked up at her.

"Hey babe, how are you?" Tina asked as she stood chopping steak chunks.

"I'm okay, how are you?" Bette asked as she walked around and kissed Tina's neck.

"I'm okay, Jake had a 'word' with me when I got home,"


"Going to LA alone,"

"Well, you're not great in the city,"

"Yes I know and you should have said something not one of our nurses. He basically told me that I'm not mentally stable enough to do that. I get it. I could have freaked out. Anything could have happened. I shouldn't take those risks, not with Xavier. I'm sorry."

"Erm, thank you," Bette said smiling softly. "I know I should have told you, I know, but everything just gets to me. There is so much going on,"

"I know. I'm not helping your stress levels. You've always been such a powerful and successful woman. I am worried I'm bring you down,"

"You're not," Bette moved away and looked at her wife. "You're never bring me down. Tina you've made my life so much better. I love you."

"I know babe, I love you too but you've given up so much for me. You've made some many sacrifices to be with me. Something hit me today. When you said the group show wasn't great. Babe you shouldn't be taking on subpar work. You're Galleries are known world wide and people want to come and see art there, they want to buy art from Bette Porter, you cannot be putting on subpar work. You've taken that show because it was easier, and you wouldn't be away from me and Xavier as much. You can't do that. I want you to be a success. You were famous and very successful in the art world before you meet me and the last thing I've ever wanted was to take that away from you. I'm guilty of not being able to see past my own failing. Bette I love you and I want what's best for you and for Porter Galleries. You're a remarkable woman. I don't want to take that away from you." Tina finally took a breath.

"Have you been rehearsing that?" Bette asked, leaning on the counter and looking at her wife.

"It's been going around my head all day. Honey, you're my world. You and Xavier but we both know I'm not normal, I'm not mentally stable. You've been putting me first and we can't keep doing that. I need to realise that our nursing team is there to help me with Xavier and they should be with me if I go to the city or even the store. I want to help you rebuild your brand. I want you to have all the success you are used too."

"You're very wise today?"

"My levels are stable today," Tina responded.

"I think you're right, I need to take my gallery more seriously I need artist that will attract people. I want my success back,"

"Take it back babe," Tina carried on making their dinner,

"Okay, right, we will talk more about this, I need to shower and change before Shane arrives."

"Okay baby." Tina turned and kissed her wife before she carried on their meal prep.

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