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Bette looked down at her new born daughter who was happily sucking away on her breast, she had decided she wanted to breast feed and Tina had supported her. She was sat in Tina's favourite armchair, she was relaxed and happy, it had been five days since she had given birth and they were finally getting into some routine. Xavier sat on the floor surrounded by his new mega blocks that Tina had bought him that made a Thomas the Tank Engine land.

Tina walked in with a cup of decaf coffee for Bette and put it onto the table next to her wife, as she did so Angie stopped feeding and looked at Tina who smiled before picking up a blanket and putting it over her shoulder and taking Angie to wind her. Tina slowly walked up and down and gently rubbed her daughter's back while Angie looked at the world with big eyes.

"She's so cute," Bette said,

"She is, but I think we are bias." Tina grinned.

"Very true." Bette smiled, as Xavier walked over to her and passed her two blocks.

"Together mama," He said,

Bette took the blocks and put them together.

"There you go baby,"

"Thanks." He moved and sat back down.

Tina laughed as she watched and her daughter let her wind out. Tina carried on walking and rubbing her daughter's back, letting her settle.

"Are the girls coming today?"

"yeah they will want to meet Angie."

"Bebe sleepy?" Xavier said softly.

"Yeh buddy its nap time for Angie,"

"Okay," he grinned. He loved his sister and wasn't jealous as they were trying to spread the time between both children.

"Do you know what's strange," Tina said softly

"What babe?"

"I've not painted in five days."

"You'll be painting again soon, she's just very new to the world and you've been doing a wonderful job of looking after all three of us,"

"Do you think?" Tina raised an eyebrow.

"I do, you've been amazing."

"I don't always think I am, when I'm sat with Angie at 2am, I think and my mind wonders."

"Good places?"

"Not always but my dark places aren't so dark anymore." Tina smiled softly. She was stable 90 per cent of the time now and she was finally living her best life. She had spent yesterday afternoon in the garden with Xavier planting their first ever veggie garden and she finally felt like she was making good progress. It had been a long journey that wasn't ending, it was just a path she had to follow and keep running forward.

"As long as you talk to me," Bette smiled, as she picked up her coffee and took a sip.

"I will babe, I will,"

Angie settled and dropped off to sleep. Tina walked over and put her into the travel cot. Tina took in her daughter before sitting on the floor with Xavier.


Bette smiled as Shane held her new born daughter, looking at her in complete wonder.

"She's so much like you Bette," Shane whispered.

"Don't whisper." Bette grinned. "She's amazing,"

"She is,"

Alice looked over at the baby,

"She's a mini Porter," Alice said.

"I hope so," Tina rubbed her wife's shoulder as she sat on the arm the chair watching as their friends took in Angie. Xavier was sat on Kit's knee getting attention from his auntie who had been to see Angie when she was born.

Shane looked at Tina, who got the message and got up and picked up her daughter. Holding her against her. Angie looking at her with Bette's eyes. She gently kissed the top of her daughter's head. Angie snuggled into her,

"I'm just going to put her down, Xaiver, it's bath time buddy you coming upstairs with mommy?" Tina asked,

"Come" Xaiver jumped off Kit's knee and ran to his mother as they all headed upstairs.

"Tina seems very calm," Alice said, looking at Bette, who was drinking a glass of water.

"She is, I thought it might bring back bad memories for her. Yet she's got up in the middle of the night, she feeds Angie, she's looking at me, I'm more in love than ever."

"Mushy," Kit laughed.

"Yeah I'm blaming the hormones," Bette said

"That excuse will only last for so long," Kit waved her finger at her sister

"I know, but I'm using it while I can,"

"I never thought I'd see you with a family Bette but my God, you're making it work" Alice smiled.

"I love my family,"

"We know and we love you," Shane grinned as she spoke

"Love you all too," Bette smiled. "I love with my wife and children more but I'm not going to let on,"

"You just did," Alice smiled. "When you going to be partying again?" Alice laughed as she asked knowing it was a joke.

Bette grinned.

"Xavier and Angie are a bit young to be left alone, and I am still recovering from child birth, gives us about eighteen years,"

"Eighteen years, she's joking right," Alice looked around at everyone, "She's joking. She has to be. You're joking."

"I've got no comment," Bette laughed. "I'll be right back,"

Bette slowly got up and headed upstairs, she walked into the family bathroom and smiled as Xaiver sat in the bath playing with this ducks.

"Mama, duck!"

"I can see that buddy," She smiled at him,

Tina looked at her wife

"Have you left our guests alone,"

"Just for a few minutes, I just wanted to see little dude before he is tucked up for the evening."

Bette yawned. she was still overly tied.

"Looks like he is not the only one ready for bed."

"I'm just..."

"In need of rest. There is nothing wrong with that."

"I know, I know,"

"Babe you need to rest, please," Tina said, "Go and tell the girls you need rest, I'll get Xaiver to bed, then I will make you some hot chocolate and you can get in bed and we can snuggle okay?"

"Okay," Bette smiled, before leaving the room.

Tina got Xaiver out of the bath and dried him. Putting him into his PJs and putting him to bed, she sat and read to him. She could hear the girls leaving and then Bette going into their bedroom. She knew her wife needed some rest. She wanted to look after her. It was her turn to look after her family and she was determined to do so. 

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