𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

606 15 20

December 2019

My palms were sweating as I sat in the car in front of a huge, glamorous building. I lowered my head to peek out of the window but no one still had walked through the glass doors. The impressive entrance stared back at me, intimidating me a little. I swear it was the power of my thoughts as the revolving doors started to slowly rotate. My heart picked up speed as I quickly eyed the huge glossy letters on top of the doors and I was certain just for a slight second that the letters said "The truth always comes out, Niall Horan". I shook my head, blinking my eyes in panic, not even abele to breathe before the familiar "Vogue House" stared back at me from there again.

Lucky for me, the person walking through the doors was just some middle-aged man who wore a suit. Do they actually wear suits to work? I shook my head again, like I cared about that. I quickly eyed the clock on the touchscreen of my car, it was 18:06. She was late, not that I really minded. But she was late.

I rested my forehead against the stirring wheel and with trembling hands reached for my phone. I had to text Lewis, he was the only person who knew the shit that was going on in my life. More precisely he knew the meanings behind my new songs. We had been writing together quite a lot and the stories behind different lyrics just somehow had floated around the studio and now it was safe to say that he knew too much about my personal life.

'Man I am losing my shit, I am gonna fuck this up'

My desperate text got an answer instantly.

𝐋𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 𝐂.
'No you are not, just chill dude! She does not suspect anything! Just play the happy songs to her. xx'

'Dude? Have you heard my album? Name one happy song besides Nice To Meet Ya, I am all ears!'

𝐋𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 𝐂.
'No Judgement? Black and White? Tell her it's about her and she won't question anything else when she hears that you basically want to marry her!'

His words caused me to stress even more. I could feel the nerve wrecking adrenaline course through my body, not giving me a chance to think clearly. What the fuck am I going to say to her? Yes babe I want to merry you, this song is about you oh right expect I wrote it before we started dating.

'Yeah right!!!!! I can't lie to my girlfriend!'

𝐋𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 𝐂.
'You don't want to marry your girlfriend?'

Damn it Lewis. That was a question I didn't want to think about. I was starting to get a feeling that I really should just decline this whole thing but there would be no way I could talk myself out of this. She was excited, expecting to hear bunch of happy songs and I was a liar. A liar.

'Lewis man, shut up!!!!!! That is not what I meant!'

Shit shit shit.

I gazed at the clock again, it was 18:11. Where was she? Maybe she had decided not to come at all. That was delusional thinking even though that would be best for everyones sake. Too bad she was damn excited to hear all my new songs.

Lewis' name appeared on my phone's screen again, but I didn't bother to read his response. I threw my phone to the passengers seat and closed my eyes, trying to calm my breathing but all I could focus on was my heart throbbing against my chest.

Will you love me one day? | Niall HoranKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat