𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

506 15 15

January 2018

My head was throbbing. The pain felt like someone stabbed my brain with a knife, over and over again. I tried opening my eyes, but the bright sunlight was too much to handle. I winced, moving my hands to press the sides of my head begging for the pounding to stop. While squeezing my eyes shut, I slowly counted for ten before pushing myself to sit up. For a second I thought I would doze out, waves of nausea joining the cracking headache. I slowly squinted one eye open, trying to adjust my gaze to the bright light. Why the curtains were open?


Where the hell was I? Both of my eyes flew open as I realized that I didn't know answer to that. I threw myself out of the bed, only to bump my body on the floor. My legs did not cooperate with my brain as well as I had hoped. Whining in discomfort, I forced myself to sit back up. I rubbed my shoulders, trying to ease the headache, while carefully taking a look around the room I was in.

Right in front of me, on the other side of the room laid huge leather vintage armchair. Next to the chair was a high pile of what looked like vinyls. The walls were dark but the room was filled with light, thanks to the huge windows. Below one window was a wooden walnut drawer and on top of it stood a classic steel lamp and a clock. I could hear it ticking but no matter how hard I squinted my eyes, I couldn't see what time it was. 

I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision before glancing down at myself my jaw dropping as I realized that I was only wearing my underwear. I quickly stood up, searching for support from the huge bed. A lump weighed in my throat as none of my clothes were anywhere to be seen, only a big white t-shirt laid on the floor.

I tried to fight the tears, but I felt desperate. My brain was on fire, so confused by the surroundings, having no clue of my whereabouts. My mind started to fill up with all these unpleasant images and thoughts, surging panic inside me.

First it was only my arms that trembled, but my whole body followed few seconds later. What had I done? I closed my eyes, allowing the tears to roll down my cheeks. The loathe I felt towards myself was enormous.

Suddenly there were noises coming behind the door and before I had a chance to react it cracked open. I could swear my heart had stopped beating as I turned to look at the person peeking in from the doorway, so scared to see who it was.

"You are up," A familiar, soft voice spoke.

My mouth fell open as I stared at the person in disbelief. I couldn't believe my eyes and for a second I actually thought that I was having a bad dream. But no there he was, Niall, standing in the doorway. There was no way this was actually happening.

I tried to catch for breath, to calm myself down but my eyes flooded with tears causing me to sob intensely, making it impossible for me to say anything. It felt like my head was about to explode, my brain only screaming one thing: what the hell had I done?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Niall's eyebrows furrowed while he shoved the door more open. He remained still, leaning on the doorway, not entering the room.

I wiped my nose with the back of my palm before gasping for breath "Why am I here?" I managed to cry out.

"You called me," He said with a deep sigh. Oh god. What was that for? I could feel my face go pale, my whole expression screaming shock. Why did I call him? How did I call him? I didn't save his number.

"M-my clothes?" My wording was unclear stuttering, something he was probably used to by now. I hugged myself, trying to cover my body and bare skin. I felt exposed and horrible, standing there looking like that in front of him.

Will you love me one day? | Niall HoranHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin