Chapter Seven- The Tour

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't last forever Kookie, you'll get used to it soon, sweetie." Namjoon said. He knew what Jungkook was struggling through, none of them had since they'd been dating before they were turned but that wasn't Jungkook's situation. Still, he had met other vampires in the past in Jungkook's situation before and Seokjin had read about it in medical books, it was important that Jungkook was kept close to at last one of them at all times to speed up the process that was going on for the new vampire. Jungkook would soon stop being bother by his brain disagreeing with everything going on. Instincts would soon take over and he'd start to feel so much happier.

"O-okay." Jungkook said. He wasn't sure if it would be the best thing but he trusted that nothing bad would happen to him while he was with them, nothing bad had happened yet and a lot of good had happened.

"Now, then, how about I show you around?" Yoongi said with a smile, "The sun has just gone down as well so I can show you around the garden first so that you can get some fresh air as well." Yoongi said with a smile as he held Jungkook that little bit closer. He didn't really want to get up and let Jungkook walk but he had to show the boy around and it would do Jungkook some good to get up and stretch his legs in the night time air. "I'll show you Jin's green house and we'll get some fruits." He said as he ran a hand through Jungkook's hair, smiling as the boy leaned into the action without even realise. "How cute." He mumbled and kissed Jungkook's head.

Jungkook blushed and stood up when Yoongi loosened his hold on him. He stretched slightly as he felt pretty cramped up and he wanted to go in the garden like Yoongi had suggested. Plus fresh fruit was always very appealing to him since he used to have it a lot as a kind but hadn't since he moved out of his parents house.

"Let's go then." Yoongi said as he took Jungkook's hand and interlocked their fingers. "I have a feeling your going to love the garden." Yoongi said as they walked out the room together and towards the kitchen where the back door was. "After that I'll show you everyone's room." He told him.

"Won't they be mad if you go into their rooms?" Jungkook asked, a little worried by it. He knew how much some people liked their privacy, he grew up in a house where he had to knock on the door before entering any room because people were always in his house having private business meeting or family gatherings that he couldn't attend.

"I've already asked them and they all agreed that it was fine. Any other time just knock. We'll never say you can't come in but it just nice to not be shocked by someone opening the door rather randomly." Yoongi said as he opened the back door and let Jungkook out first.

Jungkook smiled as he felt the breeze on his face. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed he feeling of being outside before he opened his eyes and looked around him, gasping at what he saw in front of him. "Wow, this is so beautiful." The whole garden, which was extremely big, was well kept and lit up by white fairy lights wrapped around stems and through the branches. It was like an enchanted garden and he was absolutely mesmerised by it.

"Go explore." Yoongi encouraged as he stepped outside himself and closed the door behind him "I'll follow wherever you want to go." He told Jungkook. He had a feeling Jungkook would like to have the chance to just look around the garden rather than be guided around it.

Jungkook nodded with a bright smile. No need to tell him twice. He was very quick to start walking around the garden, no set order or direction, he just went to where felt right or to whatever caught his eye while he was looking at something else. He had always been a pretty big fan of the outdoors, loving to run around and explore as a child when his grandfather would take him for walks or they'd go down to his allotment together and do gardening together. He paused looking at some roses as thoughts of his grandfather returned. He missed him a whole lot still, even if it was many years ago when he past away, his grandfather was the person he'd always been able to turn to with any problems and talk to him about anything. He was also the first person Jungkook had come out to. His grandfather was so supportive and took him to his first pride parade the next year.

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