I punched his arm.

"Jeez, you hit hard." He winced.

"That's what you get." I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Hate to break you two up, but Scarlett we need to get you home." My mom said smiling, clearly enjoying watching me and Alex.

I stood up, a little weak as I leaned against Alex for support. My mom wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked out.

"I'm coming home with you." Alex said.

"Ugh, but I don't want you to come home with me." I joked.

I felt fine now. This was the cycle, I start off feeling a little bad, then I have a horrible head explosion breakdown, and then I’d feel perfect again within a day. This was the fifth time this has happened within the last month and this past time was by far the worst. The fact that the doctors have yet to find anything wrong with me was beyond me. Obviously I was pretty screwed up.

"Do I have to keep getting blood transfusions?" I asked/

"Yes, but you don't have to go to the hospital, just go to the school nurse from now on. They'll be aware of the situation." The way she said it made it seem as if I was dying or something. 

When we got home I changed into some comfy clothes, and pulled my hair into a bun. Alex and I sat on the couch in my living room. My mom came in with her purse on her shoulder.

"I'm going to the store, I'll be back in a minute." She said blowing me a kiss.

I put in a movie and cuddled up next to Alex, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me to him. It was totally normal, we always just chilled and watched movies together, he most times came home with me after school so we could hang out. Sometimes he even spent the night. 

"Hey Scarlett? Are you really okay?" Alex asked me.

"Yeah, please try not to worry. I'll be fine." I gave him my best smile.

Alex looked unconvinced but said nothing, his grip on my shoulder got tighter though. My mom came in and smiled at us, like she knew a secret that we didn't. I didn't care. Alex was my cuddle buddy. Mom sat in the recliner, her feet tucked under her. We were closer in age than most children and parents were, so we got along really well.

"Alex will you be spending the night?" My mom asked.

"I guess I will, I wanna keep an eye out on short stuff here." He said ruffling my hair.

"Stop treating me like a child." I said punching his arm again.

He only laughed and hugged me, "You know I'm only kidding." He said.

I nodded and put my head on his chest, sighing contently. We just watched movies all day, it was the perfect recovery day for me. I rarely got off days and when I did they were for medical reasons. Well, this was for a medical reason, but it was chiller than the other times. My mom was usually freaking out, never letting me be by myself, but since Alex was here she was calmer. 

I was sleepy so I closed my eyes and drifted off, in that realm where you’re not quite awake but you’re not quite asleep.

"She is so adorable." My mom said talking to Alex.

"Yeah." He agreed.

I slept, it felt good, refreshing, and I wasn't haunted by the darkness. Alex stroked my hair, calming me, and I felt like it was chasing my dreams away. When I woke up, the dawn was just breaking over the horizon. I saw the ever green trees outside slowly become illuminated, in tints of orange and pink. The clouds came to life as the sun shone over them lighting them up from their sleep in the night. I looked up at Alex, his eyes closed as he slept. He still was holding on to me tightly, but we had moved. We were laying on our sides, his arm over my waist, and his face buried into my hair. I was in complete peace. But, we had to get ready for school.

I went to sit up and Alex groaned, "Can we skip today?" His voice was deep and gruff.

"No, I've already missed about three days." I said hugging him good morning.

"So what's one more?" He called from behind me, I only laughed as I walked up to my room.

It felt good to take a shower and get refreshed. My classical music playing from my radio, a heater going to keep my room warm in the morning mist, I almost forgot that a few days ago I passed out. I decided to do myself up a bit. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, what can I say they were comfy, and I slipped on a deep blue shirt that had a complex lace back to it over a white tank top. I straightened my brown hair till it was pin straight, since my shirt was blue I decided to flutter on a light, sparkling blue eye shadow that complimented it. My ice blue eyes stood out even more when I outlined them in black eye liner and put on my mascara. I was slipping on a pair of my high heeled ankle boots when I heard a low whistle.

"You clean up nice short stuff." Alex said.

"Haha, you're so funny." I said playfully glaring at him.

"No, you look nice Scarlett." He said his eyes holding a serious tone to them.

"Well thanks Alex." I said smiling at his sincerity.

Alex sat on my bed, he had changed into a pair of black jeans and a simple black shirt. He didn't like to dress up very much. 

"Your room never changes." He said looking around.

"Why would I change it? I like it." I said looking at myself in my full length mirror.

"I don't know, just observing." He said.

When we went downstairs my mom was waiting for us in the kitchen, two coffee mugs set on the granite counter top along with a plate of waffles.

"Eat up." She said smiling.

"Mom, you are the best." I said promptly taking my seat digging into my waffles.

Alex laughed at my huge appetite and took his seat beside me taking a sip of his coffee. I ate my waffles with an inhuman speed, I hadn't ate very much in the last few days and I was starving. When I was done I grabbed my back pack and Alex and I set off. The sky was clear and a bright blue with wisps of white clouds spread along the sky. I hummed happily walking close to Alex, out hands brushing as we walked, we weren't a couple, but we acted like it though. We got asked all the time if we were going out. I wasn't sure what I felt towards Alex, all I know is without him in my life I would not be who I am. 

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